01/16/09: Flightlog archiving, contacts updating and link fix in links section.
08/26/08: Archived 3 months of the Flightlog and added contacts.
05/18/08: Added/updated info on James Michael Young.
03/17/08: Archived 3 months of the Flightlog.
02/08/08: Contact updates.
01/03/08: The Story "Thinking and Wondering" is now in HTML format rather than PDF.
01/02/08: The Story "I Wake Up" is now in HTML format rather than PDF.
12/06/07: Archived 9 months of the Flightlog.
10/28/06: Changed the story "Dad" from a PDF to HTML and put up info for the 2006 Mini Reunion.
10/27/06: Contacts added and updated, Reunion 2004 pictures added, pictures from Ken Strong added and archived four months of the Flight Log.
07/23/06: Couple more contacts added.
07/21/06: Updated Contacts.
06/05/06: Added Mini Mini image to Gallery.
05/30/06: Archived four months of the Flight Log.
04/17/06: Archived two months of the Flight Log.
03/18/06: Added link to document on History page from Jack Newton.
03/15/06: Added and Updated Contacts.
03/08/06: Added 2006 VHCMA Reunion Form.
02/27/06: Linking to The Vietnam Era from the homepage and linking to voting page on worldwide topsites.
02/08/06: David Redmon's DVD Slides now available for download off the homepage.
02/03/06: Added 2006 VHCMA Reunion Page.
01/01/06: Added images from Wayne E. Brown, John Christenson and Lou Ragenauses. Archived three months of the Flight Log. Removed old links from the front page. Removed links to WebStats. Corrected formatting of Helicopters page.
11/11/05: Added Stories "Dad", "I Wake Up" and "Thinking and Wondering" along with images of an article from Hawk Magazine in the Gallery.
08/23/05: Added 2005 VHCMA Reunion Photos Download to homepage.
06/18/05: Flight Log Archive.
03/08/05: Added link to Links page.
03/03/05: Re-enabled Chat. Now using a new irc server along with an updated and registered web client.
02/24/05: Posted 2005 VHCMA Reunion Form.
12/29/04: Flight Log Archive.
08/11/04: Update contacts.
06/27/04: Flight Log Archive.
03/7/04: Flight Log Archive.
02/21/04: Added Reunion info and a new award.
01/17/04: Clean up a couple bits of SPAM from the Flight Log and made another change that will hopefully reduce that amount of SPAM posted.
01/01/04: Archive and clean up of the Flight Log along with change to Flight Log code that will hopefully reduce that amount of SPAM posted.
11/29/03: Archive and clean up of the Flight Log.
8/2/03: Posted the 2003 Reunion photos and archived several months of the Flight Log.
5/6/03: Archived several months of the Flight Log.
3/13/03: Updated Reunion Info and removed link to unused Chat section.
1/1/03: Archived Nov. and Dec. of the Flight Log.
11/13/02: Added The Death of 868 by Max Whittington to the stories section.
11/11/02: Poem 'My Vietnam Hero' by Liz Fernwalt added to the stories section.
9/1/02: Gallery updated with photos from Allan Hewitt.
8/26/02: Archived several months of the Flight Log.
8/12/02: Created a 129th Merchandise section to uncluttered the homepage. Added page about the new 129th shirts for sale. Removed the VHCMA 2002 Registration Form and related information.
7/17/02: Add "129th Reunion in Phoenix 2002" photos to the Gallery section.
5/1/02: Archived four months of the Flight Log.
4/18/02: Added the "Rosters & More from Alex Fernwalt" section to the Gallery.
12/18/01: Archived two months of the Flight Log.
10/11/01: Updates to the Contact page.
10/1/01: Info for the VHCMA 2002 Reunion is now link from the homepage.
9/18/01: Put up Plaque From VHCMA 2001 page in gallery and linked from the Homepage for all to See.
8/28/01: Archived the July Flight Log and put up several new contacts along with a small change and correction on the homepage.
7/7/01: Added "129th Reunion in Louisville 2001" Gallery along with some email corrections and the Flight Log and been archived.
4/19/01: Small correction on a new email addy made the contact page and an archive of the March Fight Log was done.
4/9/01: Added copyright info on all stories and poems linked from the Stories page.
4/4/01: Put up the Military.com Award this page received. Updated the Contacts Page and made minor updates with the main page.
3/17/01: Changed up the way the Chat page comes up so that the Java Applet for the chat room is an option from the chat page. Also added links to all the main pages at the bottom of all the main pages.
3/12/01: First Off this Updates page is new! Over the past few weeks There have been changes made to all the pages of this site so that they are more HTML 4.01 compatible. The thumbnail images in the gallery ate now a little smaller then they once were to allow for more space to view the large image and for things to load faster. In an effort to clean up the homepage the webrings and Awards have been moved to there own page. A new webring has been added too. The Stats page has been given a Standard Image for a link. The Stories pages have been given the standard background you see on this and most other pages. A new patch was added to the main page. The chat room is a new addition to the site also!
Purpose | Flight Log | Chat | Contact | Gallery | Stories | History | Memory | Helicopters | Links | Awards/Rings