Helicopter UH-1D 64-13896

Information on U.S. Army helicopter UH-1D tail number 64-13896
The Army purchased this helicopter 1165
Total flight hours at this point: 00000572
Date: 01/20/1967
Accident case number: 670120021
Unit: 498 MED
Number killed in accident = 0 . . Injured = 0 . . Passengers = 0
costing 6299
Source(s) from which the incident was created or updated: Army Aviation Safety Center database.

Crew Members:

Accident Summary:

Landing in a smoke filled, unprepared LZ on a medevac mission. The aircraft struck bamboo in the LZ

Information on U.S. Army helicopter UH-1D tail number 64-13896
The Army purchased this helicopter 1165
Total flight hours at this point: 00000788
Date: 04/23/1967
Accident case number: 670423061
Unit: 498 MED
Number killed in accident = 0 . . Injured = 0 . . Passengers = 0
costing 6600
Source(s) from which the incident was created or updated: Army Aviation Safety Center database.

Crew Members:

Accident Summary:

The right cargo door came off in flight

Information on U.S. Army helicopter UH-1D tail number 64-13896
The Army purchased this helicopter 1165
Total flight hours at this point: 00000869
Date: 07/18/1967
Unit: 498 MED
This was a Combat incident. This helicopter was UNK
This was a Rescue and Recovery mission for Medical Evacuation
Unknown this helicopter was Landing at 0025 feet and UNK knots.
South Vietnam
Helicopter took 2 hits from:
Small Arms/Automatic Weapons; Gun launched non-explosive ballistic projectiles less than 20 mm in size. (7.62MM)
The helicopter was hit in the Passenger Cargo Section
Systems damaged were: PERSONNEL, COMM SYS
Casualties = YES . .
The helicopter Continued Flight.
The aircraft was diverted prior to accomplishing any mission objectives.
Original source(s) and document(s) from which the incident was created or updated: Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center Helicopter database. Also: UH1P2, 73274 ()

Information on U.S. Army helicopter UH-1D tail number 64-13896
The Army purchased this helicopter 1165
Total flight hours at this point: 00001414
Date: 08/21/1968
Accident case number: 680821231
Unit: A/1 AVN 1 INF
The station for this helicopter was Saigon 02 in
Number killed in accident = 0 . . Injured = 0 . . Passengers = 0
costing 65189
Source(s) from which the incident was created or updated: Army Aviation Safety Center database.

Crew Members:

Accident Summary:

WO Strong, aircraft commander, was at the controls. He started the aircraft, and called for takeoff instructions. He received takeoff instructions and was told to advise when hover check was complete. He was cleared left and right by the gunner and crew chief. He brought the aircraft to a hover and acknowledged the tower transmission. WO Strong turned the nose of the aircraft 90 degrees to the left and began hovering sideways to the left. At this time the crew chief yelled to WO Strong not to come to the left because of an aircraft to the left. WO Strong did not stop in time and the tail rotor hit the main rotor blades of the aircraft, a UH-1H sn 67-17534 a slick assigned to the 525th MI group at Dien Hoa which was parked with the main rotor blades tied down and with no one around the aircraft. At contact of the tail rotor, the hovering aircraft lost directional control and the tail turned to the left. At this time the pilot, WO1 Milton helped WO Strong put the ship on the ground. The aircraft landed hard. When the aircraft was on the ground, WO Milton shut off the throttle and turned off the fuel

This record was last updated on 04/17/1997

The following is Goldbook information on US Army helicopter UH-1D tail number 64-13896
It is provided here as an ESTIMATE of the history of this helicopter and is not intended to be the final authority.
This helicopter was purchased by the US Army in 1165.
Please provide any additional information on this helicopter to the VHPA.

DATE  FLT HRS    UIC      UNIT          AREA          POST          COUNTRY
6610  34  398 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6611  66  464 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6612  67  531 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6701  41  572 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6702  56  628 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6703  93  721 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6704  67  788 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6705  37  825 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6706   0  825 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6707  44  869 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6708  81  950 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6709  67 1017 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6710   6 1023 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6711  38 1061 WBM2AA 498 MED CO AM    VIETNAM                     RVN     
6712  44 1105 WC3JAA 129 ASLT HEL CO  VIETNAM                     RVN     
6801  27 1132 WC3JAA 129 ASLT HEL CO  VIETNAM                     RVN     
6802 118 1250 WC3JAA 129 ASLT HEL CO  VIETNAM                     RVN     
6803  67 1317 WC3JAA 129 ASLT HEL CO  VIETNAM                     RVN     
6804   0 1317 WC3JAA 129 ASLT HEL CO  VIETNAM                     RVN     
6805   2 1319 WCLNAA 79 TRANS CO      VIETNAM                     RVN     
6806   2 1321 WCLNAA 79 TRANS CO      VIETNAM                     RVN     
6807   9 1330 3446   OPM SEA NITEOPS  1ST ARMY   FORT BELVOIR     AMC          
6808  84 1414 3204   HHD 44 ENG GP    THAILAND                    PACIFIC 
6809   0 1414 W0Y6AA OS TO CONUS      ITR CONUS                   AVCOMITR  
6810   0 1414 W0MUAA ARADMAC          4TH ARMY   NAVAL AIR STA    AVCOM         
6811   0 1414 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
6812   0 1414 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
6901   1 1415 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN TRANSIT NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM         
6902   0 1415 3300   HHD 44 ENG GP    THAILAND                    PACIFIC 
6903 101 1516 WAX9AA 118 ASLT HEL CO  VIETNAM                     RVN     
6904  82 1598 WAX9AA 118 ASLT HEL CO  VIETNAM                     RVN     
6905  98 1696 WSZAAA 357 TRANS CO DS  VIETNAM                     RVN     
6906   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN STORAGE NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM          
6907   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN STORAGE NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM          
6908   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
6909   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
6910   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
6911   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
6912   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
7001   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
7002   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
7003   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
7004   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
7005   0 1696 W0MUAA ARADMAC          IN MAINT   NAVAL AIR STN    AVCOM        
7006  31 1727 WAPJD0 D TRP 3BD 8INF   GERMANY                     7TH ARMY  
7007 101 1828 WAPJD0 D TRP 3BD 8INF   GERMANY                     7TH ARMY   
7008  37 1865 WAPJD0 D TRP 3BD 8INF   GERMANY                     7TH ARMY  
7009  32 1897 WAPBAA COMM AVN 8INF    GERMANY                     7TH ARMY   
7010  46 1943 WAPBAA COMM AVN 8INF    GERMANY                     7TH ARMY   
7011  38 1981 WAPBAA COMM AVN 8INF    GERMANY                     7TH ARMY   
7012  17 1998 WAPBAA COMM AVN 8INF    GERMANY                     7TH ARMY   
7101  12 2010 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7102   5 2015 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7103  43 2058 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7104  33 2091 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7105   0 2091 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7106   0 2091 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7107  12 2103 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7108   3 2106 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7109  43 2149 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7110  37 2186 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7111   0 2186 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7112   0 2186 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7201   0 2186 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7202  35 2221 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7203  24 2245 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7204  27 2272 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7205   0 2272 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7206   0 2272 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7207   0 2272 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7208  33 2305 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7209  28 2333 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7210  28 2361 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7211   8 2369 WAPBAA HHC 8TH INF DIV  GERMANY                     EUROPE    
7212   0 2369 WAPBAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7301   1 2370 WAPBAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7302  16 2386 WAPBAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7303  42 2428 WAPBAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7304  18 2446 WAPBAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7305  10 2456 WAPBAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7306   2 2458 WAPBAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7307   4 2462 WAPDAA D TRP 3/8 CAV    GERMANY                     EUROPE   
7308  14 2476 WAPDAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7309  23 2499 WAPDAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7310  12 2511 WAPDAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7311  42 2553 WAPDAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7312   0 2553 WAPDAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7401   1 2554 WAPDAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7402  12 2566 WAPDAA 8 ID AVN CO      GERMANY                     EUROPE  
7403  17 2583 WAPDAA 8 AVN   8TH ID   GERMANY                     EUROPE   
7404  14 2597 WAPDAA 8 AVN   8TH ID   GERMANY                     EUROPE   
7405  10 2607 WAPDAA 8 AVN   8TH ID   GERMANY                     EUROPE   
7405  10 2607 WAPDAA 8 AVN   8TH ID   GERMANY                     EUROPE   
7409   0 2643 W0Y6AA IN STORAGE       IN STORAGE DAVIS MONTHAN    AVSCOM           
7410   0 2643 W0Y6AA NASA             LOAN       LANGLY RSH CTR   AVSCOM     
7411   0 2643 W0Y6AA NASA             LOAN       LANGLY RSH CTR   AVSCOM     
7412   0 2643 W0Y6AA NASA             LOAN       LANGLY RSH CTR   AVSCOM     
7501   3 2646 W0Y6AA NASA             LOAN       LANGLY RSH CTR   AVSCOM     
7502   1 2647 W0Y6AA NASA             LOAN       LANGLY RSH CTR   AVSCOM     
7503  15 2662 WTBMAA 145TH MED DET    1ST ARMY   DOBBINS AFB      RESV           
7504  18 2680 WTBMAA 145TH MED DET    1ST ARMY   DOBBINS AFB      RESV           
7505  37 2717 WTBMAA 145TH MED DET    1ST ARMY   DOBBINS AFB      RESV           
7506  27 2744 WTBMAA 145TH MED DET    1ST ARMY   DOBBINS AFB      RESV           
7507  43 2787 WTBMAA 145TH MED DET    1ST ARMY   DOBBINS AFB      RESV           
7508  10 2797 WTBMAA 145TH MED DET    1ST ARMY   DOBBINS AFB      RESV           
7509  23 2820 WTBMAA 145TH MED DET    1ST ARMY   DOBBINS AFB      RESV           
7510   0 2820 WTBMAA 145TH MED DET    1ST ARMY   DOBBINS AFB      RESV           
7511  13 2833 WTBMAA 145TH MED DET    1ST ARMY   DOBBINS AFB      RESV           
7512  13 2846 WTBMAA 145TH MED DET    1ST ARMY   DOBBINS AFB      RESV