MAYDAY,MAYDAY, Bulldog 426 going down vicinity 1st company. Thats the last time I heard the voice of Mr Claude Strother. I can still hear the whine of the transmission. April 27th 1972,its been 30 years since that day and I can still feel the loss of my two pilots.
LT. Thomas Shaw and Mr Claude Strother. Bruno I hope I see you in Phoenix, its been a very long time, I had some cheer for you and our pilots. Gently, James, Mark, Alex and Rick, thanks for remembering, and I know I'll be seeing you all in Phoenix. Everyone take care. "426"
Bernie Hernandez
Ogden, Ut USA - Monday, April 29, 2002 at 09:36:25 (MDT)
yOU HAVE ACCOMPLISHED SO MUCH HERE AND AT HOME MARK. I am privleged and honored to have known you these 3 years. You can call me anytime and vent.
Be careful out there.
Rick England
129th AHC
Bull Dog 431
The Iron Butterfly
RVN Jan 68 Jan 69
Rick England <>
Wittmann, AZ USA - Monday, April 29, 2002 at 07:10:28 (MDT)
Mark Jackson <>
LZ Pop-A-Top, USA - Sunday, April 28, 2002 at 21:01:28 (MDT)
.........HELLO family of the 129th.................night off at the Pop-A-Top.......good thang....gots some time to yack with ya'all......hope I don't bore anybody.......been busy as all get out...........more and more stop in to eat and see the joint after they hear about all the artifacts that hang from the walls. GUS, the "BLADE" is the talk of the town. I even advertise as the, ONLY place with a HUEY rotor blade in it. Thanks again brother. Got some bike poker runs comin' to the joint later this summer, and always is the place to be on Friday and Saturday nights. Been deamed as the joint with the best juke box in the county for music that is a blast from the past. No head bangin' stuff at all. Only joint I know that has, Band On The Run, on the box, plus all the other old favs from "OUR" time. much happens in between the times I get to get in here and talk to you all.....BTW......"426".....SALUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
........had a dude in the joint for lunch the other day........saw him sittin' by himself and eatin' his lunch. I was in and out with deliveries...........thanked him as he left, then noticed a AIRBORNE hat on his head as he left. I followed him out the door and caught up with him on main street. I yelled, Hey Airborne!....he turned and said , What? if I was gonna accuse him of not payin' for his meal or something. I said...Airborne?.....he said , Yes. I said. Nam?........he said , Yes.......I extended me hand and a hug and WELCOMED him home on Main Street. Truck driver from somewhere that had a drop off in town. Somebody told him to go and see the Pop-A-Top and enjoy some good food........he said , Next time in town, I'll be back!!!!!!!!!!..lil' things that make one happy.......not so much I sold a lunch. Best part was the touch of his combat hand............we talked, we parted. Off goes another walkin' wounded........sure hope I am doin' good for thinks me is!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........small price I have to pay, for your lose of some years of your lives in combat to make my butt free to do what I do now!!!!!!!!............................."426".....SALUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
.....I know....I already said that!!!!!!!!!!!!not the last time yet.....told ya I needed to yack tonight.................................... this guy that stops in 2,3 times a week after his work. Around 3 oclock......likes his BUD' Larry did................we have become pretty good friends................what has drawn me to him is this.........the way he walks, with a slank,cool, slide. The way he talks, with a draw. The way he uses his hands when he talks, like Larry did. and then there are the wise cracks that he always has, and the one linners that he pulls from his butt.The way his teases Dee in a nice way............all this comes very close to the memories I have of Larry. I looked at him the other day we was shootin' pool, and cried. I saw Larry in him. Good cry, good sight, good feeling!!!!!!! Kinda ere to see him come in..........he had one or two too many BUD's the other day. I was worried about him gettin' home alright. He promised me he would. I looked in his eyes, and I saw that very same look that I used to see in larry's eye when I would pick him up from the local bar and take him home...ere!!!! a 3 tour Navy Nam Vet that has been comin' in a lot lately......he has just a lil' bits of a flashback problem that we talk about at times. We also have become best of friends. Matter of fact, he is the guy who has dropped off more artifatcs then anybody at the Pop-A-Top. 90MM casing. Leather Fight jacket,Tokin Gulf Map,combat boots, camo shirt, camo hat, lots some of you chopper guys, you may think, what memories could a sailor have of is one of his................flight deck, this guy launched the same pilot of a F4, hundreds of times to drop his bombs above the DMZ. They became good friends........tour over.......comin' in to San Fran.....the ships always launched the birds to lightin' the load to dock..........Last launched for Nick and his pilot friend....pilot packed in cockpit with all that he owned. Packed tight............hooked to the catipolt.................Nick give his buddy the final salute....afterbunrners on......catipolt unhooks, zinges forward...........takes the nose wheel gear off the F4.....sparks fly, and slides forward , with the burners on.....drops off the deck.....and heads in a nose dive, straight to the bottom of the sea......bird, and pilot......LOST...........................................Nick lives with this nightmare every night all of you do yours............talks about offin' himself know me........I gotta do something to at least, maybe, make him feel better!!!!!!!!!!!!! all makes me think of you 129th guys.......and all that you have seen, and gone through .......think about this.........PLEASE ,PLEASE........ALL OF YOU.......WE HAVE 2 STEPS, THAT LEAD INTO THE BACK DOOR OF OUR HOUSE, IF EVER, EVER, YOU THINK YOU ARE ON YOUR LAST 2 STEPS IN LIFE, MAKE IT THOSE 2 STEP THAT ENTER OUR HOUSE.......WE WILL TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................
I'm sorry.................I get carried away......................................good to see all the como in here...............................good to see all of nice to be a very small part in all of your lives...............I never thought that I would amount to much in life.................and I surely am not pattin' myself on the back here........but in feels as if, I have done something, for somebody...................and now I cry.................God Bless you all.........THANKS be for being out there for me....................come to find.......I needed each and everyone of you.................."257" TURNING INBOUND TO THE BEACON, AND CLIMBING TO 6'000FT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
always a brother....................Mark, Pop-A-TopII..............
Mark Jackson <>
LZ POP-A-TOP, USA - Sunday, April 28, 2002 at 19:06:11 (MDT)
The day of "426". Here is to fallen comrades & those still here. Still remember the Dinner we had in Ogden & the nice visit we had. What a nice family you have, Bernie. I am looking at the picture you gave me of the family by the wall with the caption " and we remember" at the bottom. We should all Remember. Thanks for being there. "all gave some, some gave all".
Have a good day,especially you Two,
Jim W
Jim Westwang <>
Sheridan, WY USA - Saturday, April 27, 2002 at 16:51:01 (MDT)
I just wanted to make sure that the guys who got my uncles pics remembered to take them to the reunion. I am very grateful for ya'll taken them. Thanks
Melody Pershall <>
Amarillo , TX USA - Friday, April 26, 2002 at 22:25:20 (MDT)
Thanks Gently!! Will be thinking of Tom and Claude. Along with Bernie and Bruno. Had the opportunity to meet Bernie and his family at the Denver reunion. And hope both will be in Phoenix. Alex
Alex Fernwalt
USA - Friday, April 26, 2002 at 11:39:51 (MDT)
Judith,Rick & the rest of the flight, Bernie & I thank you all for remembering.I'll be "popping" a few long necks tomorrow.
Bruno E Sanchez <>
LAREDO, tx USA - Friday, April 26, 2002 at 11:23:11 (MDT)
Judith,Rick & the rest of the flight, Bernie & I thank you all for remembering.I'll be "popping" a few long necks tomorrow.
Bruno E Sanchez <>
LAREDO, tx USA - Friday, April 26, 2002 at 11:23:00 (MDT)
Thanks Judith it will be in my heart and the rememberance of them. Thank goodness Bruno and Bernnie are with us. Look forward to seeing everybody there.
Rick England
Wittmann, Az USA - Friday, April 26, 2002 at 09:51:52 (MDT)
Flight, I can't believe another year has passed since we were reminded of the deaths of Tom Shaw and Claude Strouthers. It will be 30 years tomorrow(4/27/72) that helicopter "426" crashed at the An Khe Pass in Vietnam. May you remember them for a moment during your busy day Saturday. And to the two(129th)survivors of that crash, Bernie Hernandez and Bruno Sanchez, all I can say is "Thank God." We are very happy you are with us today, and look forward to seeing you in Phoenix.
God bless you guys-you are all in my prayers.
BTW-Kevin, thank you again. Always there, Gently
Gently <>
USA - Friday, April 26, 2002 at 07:26:35 (MDT)
Kevin: William's family will be in our prayers.And thank you for sharing this information with us. Alex
Alex Fernwalt <>
Memphis, USA - Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 08:11:04 (MDT)
you got it kevin.bless him in his passing.
fred alvis <>
USA - Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 21:36:51 (MDT)
The rest of you don't know me but I went to High School with Mark Jackson and I knew his brother Larry. Mark has done a wonderful thing by bringing you together here. Now I would humbly ask you to join me in praying for the family of my closest friend, William Edward Allen, 53, of Raytown MO. and Sgt., USAF, Viet Nam, 1967-68 who died Tuesday April 23, 2002, of cancer. He was recently certified 100% disabled from the effects of Agent Orange. "A dear friend has fallen and my heart is broken". Thank you. Kevin McGonigal.
Kevin McGonigal <>
Franklin, NC USA - Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 08:58:08 (MDT)
Thanks Alex & Mark for the rosters. Found a lot of names that I'd forgotten(imagine that??) and put faces to some more names. See ya'll in June.
Gale Beard 67-68 <>
Clinton, In US of A - Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 06:58:45 (MDT)
Alex and Mark, Thanks for posting the Rosters. Saw many names to put with the faces that are lost in my mind. Also found out I was not dreaming I was there! See Ya all, God Bless Larry
Larry Potter 67-68 <>
Cheyenne, WY USA - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 20:37:21 (MDT)
Hell Alex we could have gone home any time were not the dam thing. If I only knew. Shit Alex we could have been partying in town.
Rick England
USA - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 13:35:47 (MDT)
Well belated birthday greetings Rick. Wish you many more to come. Flight Mark has posted the personnel rosters in the galley. they did a great job. Even though they left my page out. In the process of trying to get more. Alex 65-68
Alex Fernwalt <>
Memphis, Tn USA - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 12:31:02 (MDT)
Happy belated birthday to Rick England!!!!! 4/21/???!!!! Gentlyj
Gentlyj <Wisconsin>
USA - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 10:38:37 (MDT)
The Traveling Wall is in Scottsdale, AZ this weekend (19, 20 & 21 April) at 401 North Hayden Road. From the Arizona Republic, "Arizonans will get a rare opportunity to experience the Vietnam Veterans Memorial when a traveling replica makes a three-day stop in Scottsdale.
"Green Acres Mortuary & Cemetery will host "The Vietnam Wall Experience" today through Sunday. Scottsdale is one of 23 cities on the tour and the only one in Arizona.
"We have been touched by the wall. Now we are giving Arizonans an opportunity to touch the wall," said Diana Cunningham, event chairwoman and grief support coordinator for the cemetery at Hayden and McKellips roads."
I visited some old friends today. Beautiful day. Found a new name, Glen Shropshire, 24E, 57. We were in the 189th AHC together from Ft Carson to Pleiku until the infamous DROS Shuffle brought me to the 129th in '67. Never forgotten.
Tom Shanahan
Soothsayer, 67-68
Tom Shanahan <>
Phoenix, AZ USA - Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 19:25:27 (MDT)
Now Robbie you know don't do that stuff.
Rick England <>
Wittmann, Az USA - Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 07:54:31 (MDT)
Rick England, you been smokin that PIEOTE?
robbie <>
Rochester, ny USA - Friday, April 19, 2002 at 13:53:45 (MDT)
I am smoking a brisket you all welcome. Turn left at the first saguaro an your there.heeee Got some red stripe beer or what ever you drink. It gets lonely in the desert an those jackalopes are looking pretty good.heeeeee
Rick England <>
Wittmann, AZ USA - Friday, April 19, 2002 at 11:07:07 (MDT)
Mark, it's Friday and I Have been so busy This is the first I have looked In on the site for a bit. I'd like to wish you a belated happy 51st birthday and hope you had a good day. Along with all of the other Brothers and Sisters, I thank you for creating this wonderful Web site, and I am proud as can be to call you my friend and brother. Say hi to Dee for me.. Robbie
Robbie <>
Rochester, NY USA - Friday, April 19, 2002 at 06:02:43 (MDT)
happy birthday mark.Its a pleasure to know you,my brother
fredalvis <>
indy, in USA - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 20:37:47 (MDT)
Been AWOL for at least a couple of months! Got to spend a couple of weeks out in Colorado on the slopes, that's where I get my adrenaline rushes these days. Hey Mark, I extend my best wishes a few days late for a Happy Birthday! I celebrated my 52nd on Tuesday the 16th, my flight records from 31 years earlier indicate that I flew 6.5 hours of combat assault time as a two month old FNG Peter-P on my 21st birthday! Now, I have no distinctive memories of that day, it just blended in with all the other days of CA's! I hope your day was as good as mine. On Tuesday I had a good day working in the soil of our gardens and shared a great evening meal with three of our four children, my parents, one daughter-in-law, and of course my decidedly better half for the past 34 1/2 years, my wife, Lori! I feel like a lucky guy given that my children still want to be around the old man and a woman as strong, loving, and beautiful as Lori keeps me around to do the chores. Speaking of chores, I have some to get back to right now. You all take care! Lurch, out.
Keith "Lurch" Weisheit <>
Evansville, IN USA - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 14:41:41 (MDT)
Flight, Brothers and Sisters and Dear Friends, I guess I gave the impression that we are leaving TODAY!!!! It takes a while before you leave, the company just notifies you 2 years to 18 months before you leave, so you can get all your business in order. Plus, Kim has schooling to go to in Houston for 6 months. It`s a French Company, they have their own theory of management. We have a lot to do before we go. I know some of you were probally thinking," Thank God and Northwest Airlines, He`s Gone". (Just Kidding). So the reunion is not out of the question. Also I received a e-mail from Mr. Witcher in Colorado, we use to fly a mission called " Chicken Wagon" , it was 22nd ARVN Div. VIP mission. We picked up the mission from another helicopter company. But it was a good safe mission for someone Short!!!! I did it for my last month "in country". Does anyone remember that mission. Mr. Witcher was the AC, I can`t remember my CE or the number of the ship. My last month in Nam was a bit blurred. Does anyone remember "Chicken Wagon"?
Fred Skaggs <>
Raleigh, NC USA - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 09:16:29 (MDT)
Flight, Brothers and Sisters and Dear Friends, I guess I gave the impression that we are leaving TODAY!!!! It takes a while before you leave, the company just notifies you 2 years to 18 months before you leave, so you can get all your business in order. Plus, Kim has schooling to go to in Houston for 6 months. It`s a French Company, they have their own theory of management. We have a lot to do before we go. I know some of you were probally thinking," Thank God and Northwest Airlines, He`s Gone". (Just Kidding). So the reunion is not out of the question. Also I received a e-mail from Mr. Witcher in Colorado, we us to fly a mission called " Chicken Wagon" , it was 22nd ARVN Div. VIP mission. We picked up the mission from another helicopter company. But it was a good safe mission for someone Short!!!! I did it for my last month "in country". Does anyone remember that mission. Mr. Witcher was the AC, I can`t remember my CE or the number of the ship. My last month in Nam was a bit blurred. Does anyone remember "Chicken Wagon"?
Fred Skaggs <>
Raleigh, NC USA - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 09:15:17 (MDT)
Flight: Mark,well Bro!!! This can of worms turned into a great adventure for you and Dee. And you both can be proud of the overwhelming success of this web site and the POP-A-TOP. You had a vision from Larry. And you took it and ran. And today we have are over 200 strong. Alot of Brothers don't log on. But,they know were here. I have gotten a few email about our reunion from Brothers whom just read the postings. And one day they will at least let us know they are there. But, this all would not be possible with out your vision that has almost come full circle. Hit's hard to find the words to express my and our 129th Brothers appreciation for the dedication you have given to us of the 129th. All I can say is THANK YOU!!! Without this site. I would never found Glenn,Rainer,Kal,Truman and many more. My Brothers that shared a year or more of my life. And with your help in 2000 together we made a successful 129th Reunion which get larger every year. If Coldwater, Ohio ever has Man of the year!! You got my Vote. Because , not only the 129th but,a active roll with community and schools. With your talks about Larry and 129th during Vietnam. Having the POW/Mia flag flown at football games. Yes! my Brother!!! you opened a big can of worms. But, it is a successful one. And to the rest of the flight I will see you all at LZ PHOENIX. Alex 65-68
Alex Fernwalt <>
Memphis, Tn. USA - Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 07:38:37 (MDT)
USA - Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 05:58:08 (MDT)
A belated Happy Birthday to you Mark!!!! Here I thought things were a bit slow and skipped reading the mail for a few days and Bingo, I missed it.. I hope you had a great day!!!..
Thanks for the great time at the mini in Coldwater Mark. Reservations and tickets are set for Phoenix and I sure am looking foreward to it!! I'll see you all soon..
C U L8tr Kal.....
Kal Bergstrom <>
Saint Joseph, MI USA - Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 03:24:37 (MDT)
Mark being a newby to the site, didn't know it was bday. So a very happy belated bday from
a new brother to the flight. Your doing a wonderful job with this and I truly thank you
for that. Its great hearing from some of the old 129th guys. (Did I say old) Ha must be
somebodys bday. Your only as old as you feel in your mind and heart and that means we are
all a bunch of youngens. We can't spell in mississippi either. Love to all. Again Happy
Bday and God Bless. Ron C.
Ronny Cooper <>
Mantacheie, MS USA - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 17:56:33 (MDT)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK! Some days are kind of funny and birthdays are one of them. Take care CE 698/693 UNCLE SLICK.
Michael Barrett <>
PHILADELPHIA, PA USA - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 14:35:03 (MDT)
Happy Birthday Mark, I'll have some cool ones for you in Phownix. Be careful out there.
Bull Dog 431
Rick England <>
Wittmann, Az USA - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 14:24:02 (MDT)
Mark, I didn`t spell Sopranos right!!!
USA - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 11:55:37 (MDT)
Mark, Is the investors name Saprano? Just Kidding
USA - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 11:52:39 (MDT)
Brother Mark, Sorry I forgot your brithday Bro, but have a good excuse, No.1 It was my Mother-in-Laws brithday also April 15, No.2 it was tax day and I always end owning, so I hold on to it( the money) till the last minute. Happy Belated Brithday Dude!!!! Fred Skaggs
Fred Skaggs
USA - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 11:49:46 (MDT)
Happy birthday!! You are 51!! Go on!!
You wonder why the Pop-a-Top is so successful? Those of us who know you don't wonder. It is successful because of you. People come in to see you, Mark. You have always been a success, you just didn't know it. Thank you for coming into our lives. Have a great birthday.
Mike Miles
USA - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 07:34:40 (MDT)
Happy Birthday my friend. But, only 51? Have you reached puberty yet. Didn't know I was hanging around with youngsters:>)))) My best to you and your little lady. Love you guys.
Ron Paye <>
Indy, IN USA - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 21:29:33 (MDT)
yo flight......................been absent fer quite some spell now........GD Pop-A-Top is over whelimin'. Being over run with stoppi' it it.....skids are off the ground and we are in full investers that want to help me build a BIGGER joint....................ponder the thought.....but, lots more work........VETS stop in daily now...........some alsways leave just another momento to add to the WALLS........never, ever IMAGINED that the jount would take off like it has.......even kinda a scary........not much of as bizz man, but learnin' bizzz in a hurry.............thanks to all that wished me a nice b/day............good to know I got folks out there from everywhere that thinbk of me....................only 51 today, just another day.....but again......thanks to youes who wished me a good one.........good ta see all the como on the FLIGHT LOG BOOK.................this also.....I never dreamed would turn into what is has.......this 129th page blows my mind O am sure it does yours only wishes the best for ya all......never ment to open a can of worms to some.......just want ya all to know, that I know........where my FREEDOM COMES FROM>.............GD..........where did that bottle of JD go???????????'s my b'day......does anybody mind if I pour myself a stiff one??????
my warmest, heart felt, blood pumpin' , puckerfacter, hot LZ flyin' to ya each and everyone of you, MY LIFE, has been enrichined' ,my,my,my.....thanks...........goes to youall............thabnk youes.......
a;lways a brotyher.............lil' bro mark................thank you........
Birthday Boy <>
LZ DRUNK, USA - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 20:50:02 (MDT)
Happy Birthday Mark! I will buy you a tall cool one in Phoenix in a few months to celibrate. Thanks for all your good work brother.
Dan Hertlein
Sumner, WA USA - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 17:05:09 (MDT)
Flight: Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARK JACKSON and many more in the future. At the Phoenix reunion we will have a few cold one to honor everyone's birthday thhis year. Glenn will be 57 on june 1st and I hit the young age of 56 on june 13th. On another note. Rainer has made contact with another 129th brother from 65-67. Rich Schabadissen. Great news. Fred take care over in europe. Things are getting a little hairy over there. Sorry you will miss the reunion. Well about 2 month to the reunion. Just finished repairing and painting the tail rotor blades. And waiting for the next project. Take care Brothers and Sisters. Joe Johnson hope your back in time for Phoenix. Alex65-68
Alex Fernwalt <>
Memphis, Tn. USA - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 07:07:22 (MDT)
Happy Birthday Mr. Mark Jackson....Thank you for all you continue to do. Gently
Gentlyj <>
USA - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 06:47:29 (MDT)
Joe, I think you would have a great time in A`dam, greatest city in the world. The culture is wonderful. It can get a little dirty and cramped, but you got 3 million people in a city the size of Dayton,Ohio. Trouble is when you see someone throwing paper down on the pavement or releiving themselfs in public, 9 times out of 10 it`s an american. I use to yell at them, and they would look me and say," You speak English". Go for it, Joe, you`ll have a ball. Fred Skaggs Bulldog 664
Fred Skaggs <>
Raleigh, NC USA - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 22:17:40 (MDT)
USA - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 20:51:34 (MDT)
A friend, Tim Corliss, a Army history buff (has a fleet of restored WWII army vehicles) just gave me a book he found at some garage sale called "UH-1 Huey IN ACTION" by Wayne Mutza and "Gunslingers in Action" by Lou Drendel.(some kind of two books in one) As I looked through the pages I found several photos of a UH-1C of the 129th flown by Bill Gambriel 1969-70. The captioned mentioned that the windscreen and overhead greenhouse panels had been replaced, due to VC bullet damage. It was later destroyed in combat. No tail number visable. There is also a photo of a UH-1C called the "Cobra Duke" armed with rocket pads at Lane Heliport, photo by George Frisbee. Anyone know anything about the people or aircraft? I'll bring the book with me to Arizona.
Dan Hertlein <>
Sumner, WA USA - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 20:19:29 (MDT)
Cups, From Central Station(train) take Tram No.1. Get off at Leidsplein, all the stops are posted above the windows of the tram. It`s almost to Vondel Park,the original park where the hippies use to go in the 60`s and 70`s. But Leideplein is a square with several "coffee shops" and bars, There is a smiling Bulldog with a "cigarette" in his mouth, oula Bulldog Cafe. Now there is several Bulldog Cafes, it`s a chain, but the one at Leidesplein is the main one and biggest. That`s a real historical area, the Ann Frank house is close by along with the Van Gogh and Rembrant museums. The Hemp museum is on Prinsengracht. Gracht means "canal" , look at your postings on the Tram, when you start seeing Seigelgracht, Herengracht, Kaisersgracht, Prinsengracht, Leideplein. Any cab driver will know where Leideplein is, it costs about 9 or 10 euro from Central Station that`s about 7 US dollars. Are you flying KLM ? Fred
USA - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 11:32:56 (MDT)
Cups, From Central Station(train) take Tram No.1. Get off at Leidsplein, all the stops are posted above the windows of the tram. It`s almost to Vondel Park,the original park where the hippies use to go in the 60`s and 70`s. But Leideplein is a square with several "coffee shops" and bars, There is a smiling Bulldog with a "cigarette" in his mouth, oula Bulldog Cafe. Now there is several Bulldog Cafes, it`s a chain, but the one at Leidesplein is the main one and biggest. That`s a real historical area, the Ann Frank house is close by along with the Van Gogh and Rembrant museums. The Hemp museum is on Prinsengracht. Gracht means "canal" , look at your postings on the Tram, when you start seeing Seigelgracht, Herengracht, Kaisersgracht, Prinsengracht, Leideplein. Any cab driver will know where Leidplein is, it costs about 9 or 10 euro from Central Station that`s about 7 US dollars. Are you flying KLM ? Fred
USA - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 11:31:33 (MDT)
Fred.....I leave for Amsterdam in nine hours. You never told me where the "Bulldog" was. Get on the stick bro. I'll be on line till noon. Cups
Jim Masencup <>
Port-au-Prince, Haiti - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 07:08:41 (MDT)
Just was thinking, man that stings when I do that, but does anyone remember the black brother that was CE on 322. He was from Dayton, Ohio, every once in a while he would sneak over to "Dust Off" and find me. He would say," Fred!!! can I hang with you for a while"? Great guy!!!!
USA - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 23:09:47 (MDT)
USA - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 21:43:39 (MDT)
Well Flight, Kim was notified today that we`re headed back to europe, Brussels or Paris is where we are headed. Actually St.Germain, France( suburb of Paris) or Waterloo( suburb of Brussels) you know where that little French midget got his ass kicked. We`ve already been to Brussels before. Not real crazy about going to Paris, they don`t like us to much. After all we done for them, they still owe us money from WW2. Kim gets mad at me some times because I always ask the French, when I get drunk," Where`s my motherf--kin money!!!" Now to all the BROTHERS OF THE 129TH, no matter who you are, you want to come to europe and visit. All you got to pay is your round trip flight, we pick up every thing else. We have Ex-pat status. You have a place to stay, free food and one of the best tourist guides you can have , ME!!!!! We`ll go see the Mona Lisa and anything else you WANT TO see. Or we`ll take the "speed train" to Amsterdam, it`s kinda like "low leveling" on rails at 180 miles per hour. That`s the way Kim and I are, we feel the average american can`t afford this, and we love having our friends there with us. Because most of the 129th is average americans, the one` s who fight the wars and bounce the budget on our backs. Please, don`t think we are arrogant, we are just lucky. And I have the means to give everyone of the 129th the VACATION OF YOUR LIFE. We did it last time we were there and now that we have the chance to do it again, IT`S CHANCE OF A LIFETIME YA`ALL fred
USA - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 21:29:04 (MDT)
Has anyone heard from a guy, Kavanzo Arnold first name may be spelled different. He was a
gunner for me in 68 - 69. Think he was from NJ. Big Black Guy, mean, was a great gunner.
Saved my butt a few times.
Ronny Cooper <>
Mantachie, ms USA - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 20:46:32 (MDT)
Fred-cool stuff within your logs to the site.
Happy Birthday Monday to Mark Jackson!!!!!! Gently
Gentlyj <>
USA - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 06:46:07 (MDT)
Can you spot the Westwang?
fred alvis
USA - Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 21:20:23 (MDT)
Fred, is the Monkey wearing dirty laundry (Shit self) or you?? no bic, nice picture . Mark, can you put it in the solo gallery please? this is my old pal.
Thanks, my best to you all,
Jim Westwang <>
Sheridan,, Wy USA - Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 09:54:20 (MDT)
I would like to apologize to everyone. First of all, I would like to apologize for using this forum to air my dirty laundry. Second of all, I would like to express my most deep regret for starting AIDS with that monkey.
indy, in USA - Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 22:27:56 (MDT)
Your son has that picture
Alan Alvis
USA - Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 01:46:52 (MDT)
Hello Frank good to here from you, Just kidding about the FNG. Mantachie is 15 miles NE
of Tupelo, home of Elvis, we're in the very NE part of MS. I'm really glad I found this
site, Thanks Mark for it. I was looking in the chopper listing and found my old bulldog
ship 435 that Chief Konavka tried to land in the tops of some trees. I told him it was
to heavy. We were all lucky that day no body got a scratch. But thats a story I'll save
for the stories section. Its great to finally find someone I can relate to about Nam. You
just don't know unless you've been there. Frank we'll talk more later. Sack time. Ron.
Bulldogs & Cobras 68-69 Bulldog 435-Cobra 010 a slick and a Hog Frog.
Ronny Cooper <>
Mantachie, MS USA - Monday, April 08, 2002 at 20:59:16 (MDT)
wow,what that pic brings back.where it come from and who took?is the only pic i know of with me in it.and whos a deadbeat asshole? chuckling.That pic just blows me away.thank youvery much whoever sent that, still shaking head.some guys in the flight platoon siced there dogs on it and killed it.sometimes ones idea of a good time is very cruel to someone,still shaking head,damn ,and i dont have a printer.
fred alvis <>
indy, in USA - Monday, April 08, 2002 at 20:52:32 (MDT)
Fred Alvis,My Friend, it`s great to see your" still crazy after all these years". I love it!!! We all take ourselfs just bit to serious sometimes. You keep on doin what makes you feel good Fred, because it`s OK. You`re with friends here, it`s a "safe harbor in stormy seas". Fred Skaggs ( Bulldog664)
Fred Skaggs <>
Raleigh, NC USA - Monday, April 08, 2002 at 17:27:37 (MDT)
did u hear about the deadbeat asshole? he likes to spank his monkey 
fred alvis <>
indy, in USA - Monday, April 08, 2002 at 12:09:54 (MDT)
Ronnie Cooper no one is a FNG around here, we are all one big family. This
is Frank Loveday, I was your Cobra Plt Sgt the last four or five months you
was with the 129th. Good to hear from you. Where is Mantachie Ms. Im over in
Louisiana & get over to Jackson Ms. ever now & then. Will talk more later.
Clear for now.
Frank Loveday <>
Bastrop, La. USA - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 21:41:49 (MDT)
Hi Mark back again.... Looking for anyone who remembers WO. RICHARD A. SAWRAN Kia'd on Sept.12,69. If you remember.....please visit his Hometown Memorial Site and leave a remembrance. We are looking for photos and information on his death.The site address is
RonTitus <>
Phillipsburg, NJ USA - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 16:51:55 (MDT)
Still looking for my old gunner,Barry Blake,he flew with me in 65-66 on choper Cobra686,gun ship please have him contact Tim
Timothy J.Stem <>
ingram, Texas USA - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 08:41:12 (MDT)
I'd like to let Bill Hewitt know I recognize some of the guys in your photos. I remember
Baysinger real well, in one of the pics hes squating down talking to a guy, I think his
name was Perry, I think from Phili or some where North. He slept with a 45 under his
pillow, I know he pulled it on me one day when I woke him up. It's good to see some
familiar faces.
Ron 68-69
Ronny Cooper <>
Mantachie, MS USA - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 14:46:22 (MST)
Mark hope you got the writeup I sent. Have any of you guys gotten strange emails about
wanting you a foreigner helping make foreign investments. Strange. I really enjoy this
site and I've got some stories and some pics I want to add as soon as I get them orginized
, one I have to clear with Mark first. Its something after 32 years I'm the FNG again.
All take care Ron the new guy. 129th Cobras 68-69.
Ronny Cooper <>
Mantachi, MS USA - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 18:37:22 (MST)
did u hear about the flasher that was thinking about retirement?he decided to stick it out another year. Anyone going to the indy 500 this year?let me know, as i live 5 miles form the track
fred alvis <>
indy, in USA - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 16:55:09 (MST)
It's been a while since I checked in. Ron thanks for the hats. I have to make this quick because of that kiddie porn stuff. Some big wigs got in trouble over that. Take care everybody. Out CE 698, 693, 71-72.
Michael Barrett <>
Phila., Pa. 19111 USA - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 14:14:45 (MST)
Flight: Well Brothers and Sisters of the 129th, good afternoon. Pleased to see Bernie and Bruno back on the log after being awol for a while. Bruno hope you can make Phoenix. Bernie can't wait. Been a few years since Denver. But, looking forward to seeing all the 129th family in Phoenix. I try to least check this log every day. But, with the duties of Vice-President of the VHCMA. Which I want to thank all of you whom were in Louisville to help make it happen. Plus my regular job, with all the overtime, has kept me on a small personal time frame. But, want to thank all of you whom post on the log. When new brothers of the 129th scan through. They might spot a name from the past. An your name could be it. It's a honor to be associated with a elite group of Brothers ans Sisters. And once Mark can get the personnel roster on. I believe alot of names will come to mind. I am still working on gettin more personnel rosters. Also, thanks once again to Mark,Dee and the Jackson family for this site. And to Larry and the rest of our fallen Brothers whom are looking over us. Alex 1965-1968
Alex Fernwalt <>
Memphis, Tn USA - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 10:52:49 (MST)
Bruno, real happy to see your post. I was gonna give you a call sometime soon, but haven't decided when. I hope to see you in Phoenix, along with all the other 129th folks. Everyone take care. "426 out"
Bernie Hernandez
Ogden, Ut USA - Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 06:25:02 (MST)
Bernie, How have you been ? Sorry I haven't logged in a long time. I'm at work right now & I've caught a lull from the constant phones. Hope everyone is doing fine. I've seen your posting. I'm not sure yet. But, I might be able to make the reunion. I'll be keeping in touch. Hello to everyone. Bernie, I'll call you later. E'nuff said.
Bruno E. Sanchez <>
LAREDO, Tx USA - Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 12:47:02 (MST)
All Right!!!! I`m back now that the NCAA are over. Indiana played their hearts out. Gary Williams coached at Ohio State, so I always knew he would get a NCAA Championship someday. Mike Davis has a good base, if Jefferies comes back, which I hope he does," they`ll be back". But most Indiana boys, all you got to do is roll the ball out on the floor. They know the game well. Almost as good as us Kentucky boys!!! We`ll be back also. Well baseball is back, and I`m happy. Can`t tell I`m a "Sports Freak" can you? Well just thought I would get on here and talk in second and third person, I never really worry about it to much. Only time I worry is when I start telling myself jokes I`ve already heard. I`m outta here!!! Go Israel!!!
Fred Skaggs <>
Raleigh, NC USA - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 21:55:22 (MST)
Bernie! Great to see another post! For those who don't know Bernie or Bruno, of whom he writes, they survived the crash of "426(photos in the gallery)" which took the lives of our friends Tom Shaw and Claude Strouthers. Can't wait to meet you in Phoenix, Bernie. And get Bruno there! Thanks to all for the thoughts of Tom over his birthday-forever young. Fred, thank you ;>). Always a sister-Gently
Gently <>
USA - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 08:28:27 (MST)