Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
Judith,Bill,Mark, I'm picking up the pictures of "426" this morning and will be sending them in the mail, Bill I need an address for you. Judith thank you for the package got it yesterday evening you are so great, my kids went dinky dau. Mr Shilleto I remember flying around An Khe pass and seeing the flare rack laying in a partial clearing. I believe you were the AC, I told you over the intercom, after we had passed over it but we and went back to locate but could not find it again, oh well I guess the gooks needed more than us. Talk too you later, if you would like to get a hold of me at my office the number is 801-777-7691, my day off is tomorrow, I'm ready for a long weekend. "426" out.
Michael Barrett ( from Phila. Pa. writes:
To begin with Happy Easter to all. The Capt. Goodnight flare rack episode still makes me laugh. I'm not sure but didn't he put one in the bay at Qui Nhon giving some body a check ride.(Hit the wrong switch?)
Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
Mike Barrett, I was with the 61st, from Oct 71 till they stood down then went over to 129th. Do you remember Gene Miller, I was door gunner for him many a time. I have been trying to locate him but to no avail. We were like brothers. Do you remember a Capt. Garcia, he was checking out a new pilot on a check ride over Qhi Non harbor and hit the fuel pump switch, so they went swimming in the harbor. I still have the article, it was in Stars and Stripes. Did you know Sp 4 Harmon, Sgt. Green, Sp 4 Sudsweeks, I can't remember them all right know, anyway we were Ist Flight Platoon. I'm gone.
Bruno E. Sanchez ( from Laredo, Texas writes:
Bernie-Damn you went swummin' in the harbor?Man O Man. Well just a few lines to wish you a happy easter & also to the rest of folkes on the BITE N STRIKE web. I"ll lbe chopin' some mesquite wood & doin' the Barbeque thing this Sunday with a cold one in my hand . LATER-I'M OUTTA HERE!!!
Robert Lee ( from Raleigh, NC writes:
I have been reading some of the comments each day and it does bring back memories. I remember the flare rack real well I was CE on Bulldog 351 CPT Goodnight was flying that night. Bill Shillito, were you the co-pilot on that flight. There was five on the helicopter, another CE was going along to push out the flares. I cant remember his name or the gunner that was with us. I had removed the seats, but left the barber poles in. Thats what kept the other CE from going out the door with the rack. I had a monkey strap for him to put on before we took off, but he did not want to ware it. He had hold of the rack went it went out. He filled up the door and the barber gave him something to grab. CPT Goodnight came on the radio and said "is the first flare out" I could hardly speak. I couldnt believe the rack just shot out the door, but I know what happen!!!
Anybody remember David Stamper, KIA in April 1972. 1st flt
If it is possible to get copy of the 129th ASSAULT HELICOPTER CO yearbook, I would like a copy also.
Robert Lee 129th 4-71 / 9-72
Robert Lee ( from Raleigh, NC writes:
That was Robert Lee 129th 11-4-71 / 9-72
art ( from cardale penn. writes:
Bill Shillito. Got your e-mail. The book will be put in the mail tomarrow. My photo is in the book about seven or eight times and i marked them with my name so you might reconize me. I am also sending a large photo of the 129th softball team. You might know someone in the photo. Enjoy the album. Art
art (campbell) from cardale penn writes:
Robert Lee I don't think you remember me and i don't know how many times we flew together except once when we flew covering a convoy. ILT Bright and WOI Hensley were flying the chopper. You mention Sp4 Stamper i did not know him well but i had just gotten back from R&R and i heard that he was killed and that Sp4 Thurmond was wounded i did not know for sure. Now i know. Thank you for the info. Bill Shillito yes i remember hearing about the guy who tried to take off in the helicopter and did not get very far. I had heard that the pedals were chained locked. Take care everyone. OUT
Michael Barrett ( from Phila. Pa. writes:
To Bernie, I think I know who you're talking about in the 61st. I was ce on 154 and 703 1st flt plt. The helicopter the guy crashed with the tail rotor pedals chained to the ky28 was 703, (transfered from the 61st)they were going to give it to VNAF in a couple of days.
To Robert Lee, yes I remember Dave. What a waste.
To whoever wants to run the show on the 71-72 yearbook put me in for one. Just keep me posted. Enjoy the weekend (I AM)it's just starting to get nice around here.
Bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo, Texas writes:
Robert Lee- I sure do remember CE Stamper from 1st FLT.I dont recall the specifics but I "saw" his doorgunner well back on the fllt line. 1st flt plt lost a good man that day. I also remember the flare rack incident.. Some one mentined that hship "shook" hard. I also recall that day Bernie called out on the intercom of 426 that he had seen the rack.Bill had 426 hauling A- - & low leveling east of the pass & headed back to the re-supply point to take more supplies back to the ROK fire base..
Judith singer ( from heaven writes:
I hope you all have a great Easter Holiday!! I'll type you real soon-gently, Judith
Larry L Potter ( from Wyoming writes:
served Mar67-May68 @ Lane Army Airflied, An Son RVN. Could not believe it when I saw our patch.
Ron Paye ( from Indy. In. writes:
I want to wish all my brothers who served in the 129th the very best Easter. You all are special to me even if I have never met you. Mark and Judith, that includes you.
To all of you I wish you Warm spring sunshine and soft spring rains.
"257" ("257") from "257" writes:
.....please say a prayer for the POW's....present and past. Good Easter to you all!!!!
Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
Jim Westwang thanks for the call last week it was a pleasure to talk about old times. When you do head through Utah in May let me know like to see you again. Bruno thank you for the call last night. So, how was the barbecue? I hope you can make it to the reunion in Denver, when you mentioned your anniversary I remembered that I also have one in June the 23rd, but I plan on going anyway. Mike I remember Sp4 David Stamper, he was a good man. I also would like to be put on the list for the yearbook, I've misplaced my. Talk to you all later.
Bob Heidenreich ( from O'Fallon, Missouri writes:
Hello Mark Jackson, Bill French and everyone. I'm still going with these 2 Agent Orange cancers. Advanced Prostate and Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Please get checked as we were exposed especially at Lane Field, An Son. My time was 68/69. Oh Yes, Bill F. I remember Ann's very well and you and Jon O. when we went there in Qui-Nhon. Seems you had to get an "invite" to go there. Wish everyone from the 129th the VERY BEST.
Bob Heidenreich/129thAHC/68/69
Tom Sellick ( from Belleville, Michigan writes:
My Father was a gunner in the 129th. Thankfully he made it home safely and I'm here today to visit this site.... as well the world is safer place too.
Thank you to all the veterens in the 129th for being there and all veterens everywhere; thanks.
Barry Winkler ( from Yorktown Ny (914)962-2984 writes:
Flew with the 129th corbras Door Gunner ship # 10 from June 69 - Nov 70 crew chief Kenton Jones lookin to here from guys i flew with. Call sign was wink just one memory reMember the bar we built in the hooch and then had to tear down three days later dont remember alot of the names of the guys i flew with but would like to hear from anyone that remember me and can be contacted at
Cobra asap!!!!
Randy Lewis ( from Bayamon, PR writes:
I was a W1 in the 129th at Lane AHP from Feb 69 to Feb 70.
It's good to see the web page.
I would love to hear from some of you.
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
Hey Bernie H, the pix ya sent me today...thanks that is the "426".HUH? are a walking mirical..........keep the faith buddy.........we had a wonderful Easter here....hope you all and your loved ones did too.........Judith....was telling my wife your story from in here...about Tom.....she was amazed at all we have accomplishied thru this amazes, me come to think of it.....take care 129th Homepage work is coming along..will advise when it is up and running....
Randy Lewis ( from Bayamon, PR writes:
Randy Lewis again, Bull Dog 21, Sidney. Feb 69-Feb 70. I have three questions:
1. A W1 named Cooper was having compressor stalls just south of the An Kea Pass and was making a forced landing. His crew chief jumped out of the ship on the way down and grabbed a tree. Coop hit something and the ship rolled on the crew chief side. Everyone thought he was dead when he came climbing down the tree completely un hurt. I have been called a lier about this. While that may be a true statement many times, this time it is not. Can anyone out there help me verify this. The time frame was probably October 69.
2. Does anyone know what happened to slick 427. I butchered it up 3 times, the last time the whole tell boom, but it was still flying in Feb 70 when I left. 4+2+7=13. Does anyone rember this ship.
3. Did we ever get real cobras to replace the B moddles, or at least some charlie modles.
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
Hey Barry W. and Randy L......WELCOME HOME guys..Barry??.I beleive that I have seen you check in before.but welcome back anyways..........I have recorded both of your e-mail addys and will add to the growing list of 129th guys that I have all ready...there is a lot..........I see that by your time period that you were at LANE the same time my brother it possible that you may recall the crash of the "257" that carried CE Jackson ( My brother )..Hargrave ( Gunner )......De Santis ( AC )..and Sawran ( Pilot )???........if so..would like to hear your comments about it!!!!.....take care...and feel free to add any commo in here ya like............."257"...OUT
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
Hey Barry W. and Randy L......WELCOME HOME guys..Barry??.I beleive that I have seen you check in before.but welcome back anyways..........I have recorded both of your e-mail addys and will add to the growing list of 129th guys that I have all ready...there is a lot..........I see that by your time period that you were at LANE the same time my brother it possible that you may recall the crash of the "257" that carried CE Jackson ( My brother )..Hargrave ( Gunner )......De Santis ( AC )..and Sawran ( Pilot )???........if so..would like to hear your comments about it!!!!.....take care...and feel free to add any commo in here ya like............."257"...OUT
Mark Jackson writes:
.....sorry for the studder gang.......trying to do to much at one time.....and loving every minute of it...:-)......keep your skids on the down side!!!!!!!!.........
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
HEY RANDY LEWIS.was just reading your account of that crash that Cooper was in...and recalled a crash just like that from a 129th guy......dont know if it's the same crash...but the Gunner,named lloyd ( Robbie ) Robinson said he grabed a tree on the way down a hill once and was clear of injuries........but he said the AC was MR. Rua...and the CE was SP5 Beebee..........dont know if it is the crash you speak of....guess I am just setting here with nothing else to do but talk to you guys.....and I love that shit;-))))....take care man.......take care all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom Sellick ( from Belleville, Michigan writes:
Hi there again, I told my Dad about this web site. His name is Jack Sellick, he would have been with the 129 sometime during 1966-1967, he did about a tour and a half, he was also with the 117 Assualt Unit for awhile too. He asked me to post the following name: Thomas Hollawell (Spelling?). He is very intrested in what he is up to after all these years. Thomas if you see this, send me an email at or if anyone has heard from him, drop me a line please. Thanks
Randy Lewis ( from Puerto Rico writes:
For Mark Jackson. Yes I rember your brother, Hargrove, Sawran, DeSantas. Good people all and I flew with them often. I sent you an e mail with the details of their crash.
Thanks for the information about my tree sliding chief. That was some happening. I can at least prove I was not lie ing this time. Could I talk to you about buying some rotar wash.
One interesting thing about the 129th that I did not see mentioned was that when the unit returned from VN it went to Simmons, AAF at Ft. Bragg. They changed the call sign to Cave Man.
I would still like to know if they ever got chalie models or cobras to go with the call sign.
Randy Lewis
Randy Lewis ( from Puerto Rico writes:
For Mark Jackson. Yes I rember your brother, Hargrove, Sawran, DeSantas. Good people all and I flew with them often. I sent you an e mail with the details of their crash.
Thanks for the information about my tree sliding chief. That was some happening. I can at least prove I was not lie ing this time. Could I talk to you about buying some rotar wash.
One interesting thing about the 129th that I did not see mentioned was that when the unit returned from VN it went to Simmons, AAF at Ft. Bragg. They changed the call sign to Cave Man.
I would still like to know if they ever got chalie models or cobras to go with the call sign.
Randy Lewis
Mark Jackson ( from LZ tailspin writes:
...Attention!!!.....RANDY LEWIS!!!! your e-mail.......some details are new to me.......can you call me collect at 419-678-4697......anytime?????????????....................seems you have more pieces to a puzzle I am working on!!!.....PLEASE CALL ME!!!!!!!!!!
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
TOM SELLICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!....ask your dad if he recalls a guy by the name of Alex Fernwalt...or Glen Pairmen.....both around the same time your dad was with the 129th.....I have contacts on them.........."257".....OUT!
Curt Classen ( from Redmond WA writes:
Breakers Hot, full load of 17 pounders and nails, chunker man ready, runs from NOrth to South with left breaks over friendlies.... Its Cobra 32... No Cobra GunShip however been having fun with the Harley. Been getting "sun'breaks" in Seattle so we are all doing "Burn Outs" in front of Eastside's store.. Getting ready for Laughlin CA river run coming up on the 23rd of this month. Any of you Harley buds going? Will see ya there. Ridin from Arizona up for 4 days and then to Vegas. Been working and ridin. Sorry Bernie I keep missing your call. Drop me an email. Best way to get to me. Everything else goes into voice mail. Heaaa Cobra 34 you are love struck now for sure. See ya next month for a visit. Will be fun my friend..
Cobra 32 Winchester.
Rick ( from VA. writes:
I was with 1st. Log , 2 Corp , Cha Rang Valley
1970. If I'm correct we were practically next
door neighbors then.
Tom Sellick ( from Belleville, Michigan writes:
Thank you for the names Mark. My father said that "Glen Pairman" sounded very familer. If you hear from Glen, ask him if Jack Sellick sounds familer. Do you guys like to trade or post pics? I have a ton of my father's Vietnam pictures. I take them from his album when he doesnt know and then I make professional copies of them and return them quickly. I have to get these pictures scanned, they're pretty neat. See ya.
Harvel Martin ( from Indian Mound, TN writes:
really enjoy the VHPA page and links. I strapped a Cobra on a few years too late. retired Nov '85 as 100EG CW-2; 229th AHB Ft. Campbell, Ky.
Bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo, Texas writes:
Bernie Thanks for the "land line" last nite. Like I said I had not been able to get on the web cause the P.C. had problems & I had to wait on the the dude to come fix it
Bill Shilleto-Sorry I aint called. I know you're out there.
Rick Benedict ( from Allenwood, Pa writes:
For Randy Winkler . I remember you . My call sign was Little John. I never knew Jones last
name , just called him Jonsey. Remember
Shakey Pete? Or Rand {he was on his fifth
tour} Anybody remeber the guy that was shot in the armament room when they were quick drawing with 38's? Something to think about
Rick Benedict ( from Allenwood, Pa writes:
For Randy Lewis. At some point the 129th got the real deal. I was still flying a B-model when I left in April 71. We had a few c-models then but mostly B's. It must of been nice to hover. I never did. The only time I cleared a N1 check the ship was srtipped . one pilot and 600 lbs of fuel.
Never did like back dragging those beast's out of the revetment.
barry winkler ( from yorktown hgt. writes:
rick benedict yes i remember shaky pete and rand.shaky pete turned into a pretty good frist he was very shaky. didnt think he would make.i remember the name rand but cant put a face to it.jonesy the guy he was my crewchief for a long time. rick do remember pogi he was from up state n.y.,jerry milburn? man this brings back memories. too get on a serious note i have one of our brothers name for the, in memory of,sp/5 bradford rasey,call sign RASEY.he surcomed to his injuries afterthree days in hosp.i believe it was in apr. 70.incident occured over skies of cambodia dont know much about it i was home on speical leave. well i think thats about it for now. too many memories all at once, but gald i found this . talk to you all later.cobra asap!!!!!!!!
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
Hey Barry Winkler...........I have heard of that incident about Bradford Rasey before. Dont know who told me that...could of been you..........I have taken on so many hits from you 129th guys..and heard so many stories..that I must apoligize for not being able to keep up with it all at time....but BARRY..........I want you to know this....on the new 129th AHC Homepage I am working on...I will surly include Bradfords name to the honorable list of the KIA's.....thanks for bringing it to my attention again........"257"....skids up!!!!!!....OH...and Randy Lewis......thanks very much for the phone call still in a bits of a tailspin with the new info you bring about the "257" taking heavy enemy fire and possible rockets....but will be able to swallow it with the next shot of JD I amazes me.....all this stuff I hear........Take care gang...till the next time!!!!!!
Judith (xsinr68491) from Wisc writes:
Hello to all! I fell of the face of the earth, but now I'm ready to climb back up. Looks like alot of great things are still going on for the 129th! How about Tom S. writing for/about his dad!!! Very Cool! Welcome aboard little brother!
And Mark! More info on Larry!!! I'm so happy for you!
So, who's going to Denver and, opps, I forgot the dates. I'd like to make it-I can volunteer. I'm crazy fun, but responsible!! Ron Paye and I might get together this week(if I were younger I would giggle), at least he said he would try. Hey Ron, if you're out there..gonna make it?
I've been looking for a Viet Nam flag, the one with the country and cities on it-and I finally found one. Let me know if any of you want one. I'm picking it up tomorrow and I'll ask how many they have at that time. Type me.
Bernie, thank you for the "426" photos. You and Bruno are VERY LUCKY! You must still be alive for a very good reason..helping me with the Tom Shaw information could have been part of it. I still haven't called Bruno-damn! May I be so bold as to say, "Banking right and outta here"?
Gently, Sister Judith
Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
Greetings to all this morning. Judith its good to hear from you again. I plan on going to the reunion in Denver. Bruno, Bill and Curt how's things since last we talked? Jim Westwang got your letter, thats some animal hanging from your bird. I'm looking forward to seeing you on your way to Wendover. Take care everyone. "426 out'
Bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo,Texas writes:
Bernie,C.C.,Bill, Judith,Ron & EVERYONE-good morning.Just checking in & reading the mail..Curt anymore "sun breaks?" E'NUFF SAID-LATER
Lloyd Robinson AKA Robbie ( from Rochester N.Y. writes:
Randy Lewis. I know i have a picture of you standing beside Bulldog 265 with my Door Gunner Ray Gagner. The story you tell about me ending up in a tree after we crashed and rolled down the side of the mountain was fairly true, but not completely. I did however end up outside on the mountain and i thank Mark Jackson's brother Larry for that. I can still see the whole thing like it happened yesterday, and if you like i could tell you sometime.The AC was Mr Rau and he was blamed for the crash. I can't remember the Peter Pilot's name but he lost part of his leg. The crewchief was Sp5 Beebee and i was the Gunner at that time. Aircraft was Bulldog 465 and had #1 on the avionics cover. Gotta go talk to all you Hiss and Pissers later. Robbie
Jim Westwang ( from Sheridan,Wy. writes:
For Bernie Hernandez: My wife & I will come through Ogden on May 5th, are you working that day & what hours? I should not be there until early evening as it is an all day drive. Looking forward to seeing you!! Smitty
Alex Fernwalt ( from Memphis,Tn. writes:
Welcome to everybody. The reunion in Dever is the june 21st thur the 27th. its the VIETNAM HELICOPTER CREW MEMBERS ASSOCIATION. Everybody is welcome. it's at the Dever Marriott Southeast 6363 E. Hampton Avenue. 303-758-7000. There has been quite a few pilots come to these reunions. You can contact Charlie Rains for more info . 1-800-842-6201 or email at Hope to see some from the 129th. I was there from 65 to nov.66 and second tour aug. 67 to apr.68
Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
Jim, I'll be working that day, but I'am home by 4:00 o'clock in the after noon, If you'd like my work number it is 801-777-7691, you can give me a call anytime. "426 OUT'
Bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo, Texas writes:
ALEX- is it the "DEVER" hotel in Memphis, TN ?
Sorry I'm confused.It's not in "Denver,CO."?
charles huggett ( from jacksonville,fl writes:
great work do you have any data about 1971
Will Tucker ( from Youngstown, Ohio writes:
Very Impressive stats and a kickass company.
Well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
To Charles of now there is no data available for the year 71. All the National Archives in DC had was 66,68,70. I am presently in search of other years of history. If you know of anybody that might have some. Please forward to me. I will have it submitted to the new 129th Home page that is being built as we speak. I am also in touch with Ft. Bragg, the base where the 129th ended up and their name was changed to the "CAVE MEN"..........hopfully they will have some old history of the 129th on record..........take care Bite and Strikers.......
Mark Jackson writes:
Also the new 129th page will have a section where you men of the 129th can submitt your own acounts of your time in Nam as history of the bout dat????
Alex Fernwalt ( from Memphis,TN writes:
Its Dever Colorado. Glenn Pearmain and I will be there we with the 129th from the fall of 65 thru 66. Haven't found much history from 65. Home base was Dong Ba Thin. North of Cam Rhan Bay. Of coarse as most of us know . We were scattered everywhere. The 129th lost our first kia's on 10/7/66 thery were cpt Harry Whetzel, wo1 Robrt Chamberlin, sp5 Robert Gilliam, sp4 Johnny Neal. I was in Tuy Hoa at the time. They were shot between Dong Ba Thin and Phan Rang. I have a copy of the platoon patches. Well still looking for flight logs for 65&66. Take care. To All 129th personnel Welcome Home. Alex
Alex Fernwalt ( from Memphis,TN writes:
Its Dever Colorado. Glenn Pearmain and I will be there we with the 129th from the fall of 65 thru 66. Haven't found much history from 65. Home base was Dong Ba Thin. North of Cam Rhan Bay. Of coarse as most of us know . We were scattered everywhere. The 129th lost our first kia's on 10/7/66 thery were cpt Harry Whetzel, wo1 Robrt Chamberlin, sp5 Robert Gilliam, sp4 Johnny Neal. I was in Tuy Hoa at the time. They were shot between Dong Ba Thin and Phan Rang. I have a copy of the platoon patches. Well still looking for flight logs for 65&66. Take care. To All 129th personnel Welcome Home. Alex
Jim Westwang ( from Sheridan,Wy. writes:
Just got a phone call from Bulldog "Festus". LT. Richard Trumbo in Las vegas & he is doing fine but doesn't do the computer & was wondering about a C.E. "shaky"?? My memory won't bring it. One of the things it seems I remember about Festus when he was Flying was that I had bought an old .45 cal ww2 colt grease gun from a guy for $40. & when we would attend a CA or have a chance, I would give it to him, other peter p'S, A/c's to shoot out the window. I will stop & see him In las vegas in the Fall. My memory is bad but little pieces come back. Also had a .50 CAl on my ship for a short time & it was still on there when we were on light/firefly mission & had been out a long time, came into POL at lane & set the Ships Left skid down on the light cord & it shorted everything out & A/c couldn't even shut the ship down & we thought she would blow & POL too so all 4 ran like hell for revetmet. Can't remember who all was aboard but after a minute or so A/c was able to return & shut down the ship. Maint. Officer quite upset as I recall. Thanks to Animal in Hawaii for address & phone#. This page is really something!!!!!!!!!!! Bernie, I'll call you when I get to Ogden. I'm Sure it will probably be 6-7 pm. Later to all!!!!! Smitty
Bill Shillito (71/72 Bulldog 21) ( from Newton, N.C. writes:
Hello Mark,
From your 31 Mar entry.........yes indeed Wow!! look at all the info and old friends, crewmembers re-connecting.
Art...... Thanks for the yearbook. I received it this week. Thanks. They did indeed make me WO1 Hillito. Thanks for marking your photos and the photo of the softball team. I do remember you. I will make ten copies. If I have read the site correctly, I have three requests already. One from my ole buddy Jim Westwang. (Jim it was great talking with you by email). The other requests is from Michael Barrett from Philly and Robert Lee from Raleigh, NC (It may take a little while. I will let you know as soon as I get it copied. I want to ensure that we do it and not damage Art's original. I will need your snail mail address then and I will let you know when it is ready.
Art the book is quite fragile. I will take it to a book restorer to have the copies made. I want to make sure that it gets taken care of. This may take a little longer but it will come back in good shape. The copies will probably be soft cover.
Mark I have to say that you have more then earned your wings........don't give another thought to, as you say "I was never in Vietnam" you can turn that loose right now. You belong...... you are the catalyst for all the good that is coming out of this site.
Judith.......go girl. You have shown some terrific courage the way you have jumped in and stuck to this thing.
Jim Westwang, thanks for staying on the site. Fetus (Lt. Trumbo) is a legend. How many tours??. Does anyone remember the day in the LZ that we got mortared and Festus took a piece of scrapnel in the foot while he was sitting at the controls. If I recall correctly he did not even miss a day of flying.
Bob Heidenreich...... I hate it for you about the cancer. Best of luck with the fight. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. About your suggestion "please get checked as we were exposed especially at Lane". Are there any specific symptoms we should be alert to or are there any specific tests or procedures our G.P.'s should include in our checkups?? Thanks......May God bless.
Robert Lee, just saw your Apr 1 I was not on that ill fated flare flight, we just suffered the consequenses of having to go back to the old method. I am glad no one got seriously hurt. Sounds like it was diceyer than what I originally thought.........that would have been a helluva note to have a crewmember ejected with it. Yes, I sure do remember David Stamper.....he was hit on a mission to try to retake the An Khe pass. We were doing multiple sorties in to various LZs most of them were hot. I remember the AC was WO1 Faucher (spelling) but I do not remember the co-pilot. After taking 10 or 15 rounds in the belly, cargo area, engine comparment Faucher fly back to a secure LZ only 4 or 5 miles from the hot LZ. Several of us landed and tried to perform first aid but David was too badly wounded. I remember he was wearing his chicken plate......but the rounds hit him in the side......two or three entry wounds as I remember. The much of the incident is as if it happened yesterday. The AC told me that David was firing the doorgun for all it was worth and remembers David saying that he thought was hit....but he keep firing. After our unsuccessful attempt at first was not long until the Medivac arrived. We knew that there was no hope. The medivac crew was great anyway. The rest of the flight crew hopped another aircraft back to Lane. I tried to fly the shot up aircraft back. I got it cranked but the engine was in just too bad of shape. It would barely hover. We stripped it of all avonics and left it to be picked up by slingload. We went back to the CA. (I know that I have left a lot of holes, some body help me with more of the facts.)
Bernie, I got the pictures of the crash site. Unbelievable.......... this whole experience has helped my wife understand my experiences more than anything that has come along. I have not had a chance to share it with my two sons (one is a police officer and the other is jumping out of perfectly good aircraft at Ft. Bragg) but I will soon. I know this will be an eye opener for them. I was younger then than they are now.
Bernie, damn another memory.......I had forgotten that you spotted the flare rack the next day after it was jettisoned.... too bad we could not locate it again. It would have saved alot of work.
Greg Henkel (Animal) good to hear from you. Do you have the year book from that time frame? Glad I could bring back some names for you.....Art Campbell was kind enough to mail be a 72 yearbook and I am making copies of it. I would be glad to do several copies of the 71 if anyone is interested. It would be great to get a photo of Fetus slinging the Elk....... I got a photo from Jim Westwang that has a deer slung by the head out the cargo this the same. Seems like this is a recurring theme. We also bagged a deer in about Dec or Jan of 71. We let the ROK RTO have the deer, but I told him that I wanted the antlers........I flew with him again about a week later and he would not come near me when we shut down or look at me when we talked on the intercom.......finally I cornered him and asked him were my antlers were.......he almost broke down apologizing that his ROK Bn Commander had demanded the antlers and he was afraid that he would be shot if he did not let him have them.
Mark J......thanks for the address on Sgt Don Purvis......I will send him mail tonight. Don, if you are out there I would like to hear from you. I don't know if you remember me, but we flew together quite a lot.
Tim were in the 129th at the same time and ETS the same month as I did.......tell us more about your recollection...we will fill in some of the lost tapes for you.
To Bruno and Bernie.........hope all is well....can't wait to see you. Take care and Bless you.
bill shillito writes:
Bernie, I will make sure that you get a copy on the yearbook. I let you know when they are ready.
Mark Moore ( from north carolina writes:
just checking out some aircraft
Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
Bill Shilleto, I would like to have a copy of the year book, just let me knoe the cost please. Ya know seems I remember something about you cornering the Korean soldier on those horns. I'm planning on being in Denver Colorado for the reunion. Anyone else. "426 out" How about it Bruno?
j bragg ( from beckley wv. writes:
Hello D. Aderholt ,bet this is a surprise.
Found you on net .Liked your article,stay in touch
what is the info on the renunion in Tenn.
thanks Joseph (Fort)Bragg
j bragg ( from beckley wv. writes:
Hello D. Aderholt ,bet this is a surprise.
Found you on net .Liked your article,stay in touch
what is the info on the renunion in Tenn.
thanks Joseph (Fort)Bragg
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
Hey Bill Shillito............Thanks for the confermation on the wings I have earned man. Really, that makes me feel wonderful.:-)))).......I have Larry's Crewchief wings affixed to the seat of the Harley, and also have a set of wings that were given to me by the man that picked Larry up, and put him in his body bag, on the Boonie hat that was given to me by Larry's best friend while in Nam.......with friends like all of you 129th folks, and memories from friends of Larry's from the Nam........Larry is more alive today then every, and I know him better now, then I did then.............carry on Bite and Strike!!!!
Ron Paye ( from Indianapolis In. writes:
Hey! Flight. Hope everything is going well for all. Thought I would give you all an after action report on an important mission I went on last week. I went up to Wisconsin to see my folks and while I was there I gave Judith a call. I contacted her at work and we agreed to meet for a drink and conversation. Well gents, I must say it was a very pleasureable meeting. After what I thought was about two hours, but was in fact seven hours of some times intense, and some times funny conversation and enough Scotch that the distillery had to put on a third shift, we parted company, and I made my way back to my folks hooch, to sleep it off. I have to report that Judith is a very nice lady and I would highly recomend that anyone who has the chance to meet her should go out of their way to do it. She is a sponge for any information we can give her in regards to Vietnam, what we did and where we were. It was one of the most enjoyable seven hours I have spent visiting with someone about Nam in a long time.
Judith! Thank you very much for the Packer gifts, but thank you even more for the good conversation and for caring. It was a true pleasure, and I look forward to a repeat next time I am in Green Bay.
Bill Shillito, If you are the one coping the 129th year book I would like a copy. Let me know the cost. I had one from the year after and lent it to a so called friend and never got it back. My loss.
Mark! What are you doing this weekend??? If you are not busy let me know and I will try and come up. I had such a good time visiting with Judith and talking to some one who cared that I want to do it again and you are number one on my list. If it works out, let me know.
To everyone else, the best to you all and I hope you have a great summer.
Cobra 34 OUT.
Larry Kwiatkowski ( from Simi Valley, Ca. writes:
Bulldog Scooter to Lane Tower. Requesting low pass from the East.. Roger, thank you, will break right and turn on final at other end of the field.
Hi everyone, just checkin in 2 c what's been happening lately. Gotta check those logbooks more often. Was there Dec.69-Dec.70.
Bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo, Texas writes:
Bernie - Good morning - buenos dias dude. & to the rest of the gang.Partner.I''m really hoping that I can make it to "DEVER" in June. Right now I'm more on the yes side of it. The weather in June should be great in Denver. I checked out a road atlas.It's going to be a senic drive for you from Ogden to Denver. I'm hoping to call Rene Guerra (remember) & let him know about it & see if he can also make it. He just might.
Judith ( from Green Bay writes:
Hail friends-I met with Ron Pye last week. We had a great time. I certainly know more about heli-copters and military language now than I did before-and have quite a way to go to understand it all. We spent 7 hours(and many drinks) talking about that stuff and you guys-I can't wait until we all meet! He loves you guys! Mark, this Web has done amazing things---Go to heaven.
Ron and I also talked about getting Apple Comp to have Imacs at all the Wall sites. We figured it was time to turn up the volumn and let all the vets know that they can find friends from Nam on-line! Sounds great, eh! Let me know what you think. Remember it wasn't that long ago that we hooked up-so we must lead the rest to the pleasure(and sometime sadness) we've experienced. Stay healthy my friends and get info on Agent Orange-now! Gently, Judith
art campbell ( from cardale writes:
Bill I'm glad the yearbook arrived to you safely. I work in the post office as a part time carrier and i know how the mail is handled so i was a bit concerned. I would like to go to the reunion but I won't be able to because of my going to college and working at the post office doesn't give me and free time. I hope that everyone that does go has a great time. I enjoy reading the comments on this site. Everyday I check to see if there is any new message. I'm glad I found this site it's the only way i can relive the memories of those Vietnam days. Before I logged onto this site I never though anyone else was still around from those days.
Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
Yea Bruno, Denver sounds like a great time. It will be good see you and Ranae again its been along time coming. One of the times I remember most about the Nam is when your mom sent you some tortillas and canned refrieds, you only let me have one taco you cheapskate, even though the torta had some mold on it that was okay, cause something like that from home you can't pass up. Anyway I'll be giving you a call on the land line real soon. "426" OUT.
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
Hi to all....Dear Gently Judith....Thank you for you kind words. It is good to see all that has happened in here. I am very proud to be a part of it. Thanks to all the nice things said to me.
Ron Paye...... This weekend?????...well, saturday, we are moving one of our daughters into her new place down in Dayton, but should be home in time in the eve to hoist a few beers man. You can crash here if you like. Call me man, and advise please. 419-678-4697. Would very much enjoy spending time with you.
Bill Shillito (Bulldog 21) ( from Sterling, Va writes:
Hi gang,
I am keeping track of the requests for yearbooks, so far there are 6.
I am looking for the right place to get it done. I want to protect Art's orgingal and get a good copy.
I will let you all know when they are ready.
Thinking of Strothers and Shaw..........may God Bless
Hello Bernie and Bruno........I know we will see each other again soon/some way.
I have a new address for a old one is good in that is automatically forwarded to me.
see ya.
Gently Judith ( from Title Town U.S.A. writes:
Welcome back friends! It's been a busy day: i'm starting to formulate a letter to Steve Jobs, President of Apple(Imac) and I had another thought to build never stops, right Mark?! Anyway, I want the gist of my letter to him to be my experience on-line with you guys in the short 2 months I've been typing with you. but, Shi--, why don't you all write me about the importance of being on-line to meet old friend(if you have a Mac or an Apple include that in your experience) and i'll send him all the letters!! And if you know anyone else who has found out about other Vets through being on-line have them write me too.!! This could be great! Can you imagine Vets going to the "Moving Wall" and while there finding out about all the sites pertaining to Nam Vets, hell, all Vets! And with enough Imacs on site, we could even give them their first experience in meeting friends lost for over, in some cases, over 36 years! i'm hyped!! I'll be happy to take the controls, but I need you as my crew to get to the LZ of memories. So spread the word, and lets move out!
Curt, I lived in Phoenix for ten years-I'm envious that you get to visit. there's a great Harley bar in Scottsdale-stop in if you can.
And Art Campbell, a college student! Very cool! I too returned to college as an adult(I was in my forties) and you know what, my friend, the professors love us. They know how serious we are! If you ever need a boost, I'm here.
Great! Great! Great! Now my address is:
Judith Singer-111 country Club Road--Green Bay, WI 54313...I'll look forward to a full mailbox everyday. I know my address is safe with you, but be carerful for me, thank you.
Remember Mark, if you and Ron get together I want a photo! Gently, Judith
Good by
Gently Judith ( from Title Town U.S.A. writes:
Welcome back friends! It's been a busy day: i'm starting to formulate a letter to Steve Jobs, President of Apple(Imac) and I had another thought to build never stops, right Mark?! Anyway, I want the gist of my letter to him to be my experience on-line with you guys in the short 2 months I've been typing with you. but, Shi--, why don't you all write me about the importance of being on-line to meet old friend(if you have a Mac or an Apple include that in your experience) and i'll send him all the letters!! And if you know anyone else who has found out about other Vets through being on-line have them write me too.!! This could be great! Can you imagine Vets going to the "Moving Wall" and while there finding out about all the sites pertaining to Nam Vets, hell, all Vets! And with enough Imacs on site, we could even give them their first experience in meeting friends lost for over, in some cases, over 36 years! i'm hyped!! I'll be happy to take the controls, but I need you as my crew to get to the LZ of memories. So spread the word, and lets move out!
Curt, I lived in Phoenix for ten years-I'm envious that you get to visit. there's a great Harley bar in Scottsdale-stop in if you can.
And Art Campbell, a college student! Very cool! I too returned to college as an adult(I was in my forties) and you know what, my friend, the professors love us. They know how serious we are! If you ever need a boost, I'm here.
Great! Great! Great! Now my address is:
Judith Singer-111 country Club Road--Green Bay, WI 54313...I'll look forward to a full mailbox everyday. I know my address is safe with you, but be carerful for me, thank you.
Remember Mark, if you and Ron get together I want a photo! Gently, Judith
Good by
gently judith ( from Title town writes:
WoW! I'm so excited about this Imac thing I forgot to mention an upcoming day of remembrance: April 27th at 11:30 AM-the day Lt Tom Shaw and Claude Strothers crashed and died. But also, the day that Bernie and Bruno lived to tell about- Bless you guys- and on the 27th, take a minute and say a small prayer for all the Vets who died in Nam.
And to Tom Sellick-how are you doing finding friends of your dads'-feel free to Email me if you would like my help, though Mista Mark Jackson, as in Angel Larry Jackson, is a great contact. Gently, Judith
Louise/Gina from rhode island writes:
Dear Mark------we met over a year ago after i contacted you
re: your posting Larry's "Last letter Home"--and
after getting to know you and your family and the
dedication you had in keeping your late brother's
memory alive---I have to say Job well Done-but so
much more could be written-the many hours you have
devoted to your mission--and not only for Larry but
aiding others that need data or sending them tapes
as you have me--teaching me the meaning of What War
is in Reality-thru audio tapes and film---i don't
believe there has been a day when you haven't aided a
Vet-or a student doing a project regarding Vietnam
for his class--you have worked tirelessly w/the help
of Dee many times--you are a shining example of what
family is all about and to see the love of one brother
for another is very touching to witness-i know many
times its overwhelming for you-tho you forge ahead-never
letting anyone go w/out the info they have requested
if you are in possession of it or know where to
locate it--you are a wonderful friend and tho your
heart ackes many times for the times you won't have
with Larry--I am sure he is looking down from that
very special place free of pain and War and sending
a hug to a brother that is loved as you love him-
staysafe Dear friend----Louise
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
LOUISE......thank you my dear friend......hey 129TH gang!!!! my dearest friend on the net. Just like you all, Louise, picks me up outta that hole I get into sometimes and helps me regain the JP4 I need to carry on...... Louise...........WELCOME HOME to the 129th...........(---)..........Mark&Larry!
Bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo, Texas writes:
BERNIE,BILL & THE REST OF THE GANG :good morning.Bernie i was checking out the entries this morning.There's an entry again of the "Reunion in Memphis,Tn ??????????.But I'll be trying my danmest to go to Denver this June. Yeah i remember the Bean & Chorizo tacos with the hot peppers. If'in I go to Denver I'll Probably take some. I may take a bottle of some Tequila for a shot or two. Hey man . Now i remember why you had only one taco.You triied to eat too many peppers at once-you were burnin'up. Late one nite one of the gunners ( Bidozaka-spelling/he's in the year book) came by my hootch & insteaded that I wake up so I could have a Bull session with him.I got up & let him in.I got some C Rats with the hot peppers.Naturally he wanted some food.Being a good guy I gave him some C Rats.Bidozaka saw me eatin' the peppers,he asked what it was, Itold him they were mexican peanuts.He said that he wanted some. I gladly accomodated.he took a hand full & started chewing. Needles to say he didnt finish the food. I went back to sleep-the next day he was madder than a pissed of rattle snake.But, he never went back for seconds. I wonder why. Sorry, there I go again. If you dont remember Bidozaka he's in the yearbook with a C/E Barry ( i think Barry was from Oklahoma)-the pic is sub titled ": The Odd Couplet". Man I've said a mouthfull & then some.I"M OTTA HERE.E'NUFF SAID..Later Bernie-Have a ggod week-end
Alex fernwalt ( writes:
The Reunion is Denver Colorado. Not Memphis Tn. Memphis is where I live.
Buno E Sanchez ( from Laredo,Texas writes:
Alex-Greatly appreciate it sir .I just hope that ole boy who wrote that the reunion is in Memphis gets to log back on the web.
CW4(Ret) James E Lafaive ( from Waukesha, WI writes:
I served briefly with the 129th at Lane AHP during Nov-Dec 1971
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
Hey Alex and Bruno and who ever!!!!....well.....hi to all actually!!!!!!!!!.......but....I bet the guy that posted something about a reunion in Memphis may be talking about the VHPA ( The Viet Nam Helicopters Pilots Asso.) thang goin' down in Nashville in July. Details can be found at this address But Alex........I thought I heard you speak once of meeting up with Charlie Rains of the VHFCN somewhere and helping him out at a function. Did that go down already????.........please excuss me for being a bits confused too. To watch and read and listen and think about all you guys say in here ..well maybe to you guys it all clicks the first time..but to laymen like Judith and I, It all takes a few clicks to sink in. Aint dat right Gently Judtih;-)
Hey Ron Paye...........What a wonderful talk we had on the phone tonight. Thank you very much. I got off the phone and kept shakin' my head sayin' ta the wife "What a wonderful man,what a wonderful man "....ya know?? Viet I have had the oppertunity to speak personally with some of ya, and to stand face to face with some others.....I have noticed this in your speach. As we talk about present day goings on and family matters, your voices are in a UP SWING mood.......but then the commo changes to Viet nam, and in a blink, I can notice a lowering of your voice and a bit of a studder and someitmes a silence with a choke or two.................and when I hear this, I can IMAGINE you guys minds switching from the talk of present day family all of a sudden to the rotor wash in your eyes. Or the sounds and sights of the cituation in Nam that you are relating to me........dont get me wrong men.........I dont want you to think that when your voice changes that you are doing something wrong. I just want you to reaslize, that on the other end of the line, is a person that wants to hear what you have to say, what you have to pull outta the depts of that mind of yours and listen to you. Aint that correct Judith???..........I feel... the more you talk about, your own lil' Viet nam, the better you will feel and the more us laymen will learn,...... and men,I want to learn it all. I will tell you this..then I'm skids up fer the night...............I wish I had my brother here to talk to me about Viet Nam, But I dont, so the next best thing is to have you men that served in the very same proud unit he did, tell me your stories. In a sense, you men, are my brother...................Thanks.....windy tonight huh???;-)))).....the "257" turning inbound to the beacon and climbing to 6,000FT....."257"....RTB.......Lets go Home Larry!!!!......NYTOL!!!!
Bob Heidenreich ( from O'Fallon, Missouri writes:
Hello Men, Bill Shillito asked for a little info. on the signs of my Agent Orange related cancers. So here goes. There really are no signs of early Prostate Cancer. In my case I had urination problems. That is a sign of a swelled prostate or advanced Prostate cancer. Only a PSA blood test and a doctor's exam can find an early curable cancer. All Vietnam Veterans are considered exposed to Agent Orange by the V A. Lane field was especially soaked in the chemical along with the choppers flying in and out of there. Also, an inspection of the Lymph Nodes is a good idea as Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma is common for Vietnam Veterans. My Lymphoma was caught after I began having trouble walking and a tumor was found next to my spine. Both of my cancers are on the Agent Orange list. I have been through many radiation treatments and chemotherapy. I am now on a on-going chemo. for my Prostate cancer with no known medical cure. There would have been a good chance for cure if caught ealier. So please get youselves checkrd. Very best to all of you and hello to Mark Jackson and Bill French. If anyone needs further info. or help just let me know. Bob Heidenreich/129th/68/69/Lane Field/An Son VN.
JOE JOHNSON ( from Morongo Calif. writes:
Bruno E. Sanchez ( from Laredo,Texas writes:
Bernie-Thanks for the "land line".I've been down with the flu-bug all week end long.Been taken all the over the counter stuff. Hey Man- tomorrow "27YRS"AGO.How's the new colt? Did you name him yet?
Bill Shilletto where are you.Just kiddingYou're probably busy making the copies of the yearbook.
Alex thanks for the E-Mail buddy..
Alex Fernwalt ( writes:
Well glad we got the reunions straight. And looking forward to seeing some of you in Denver, Colorado June 21-27 . Info on both reunions can be found by clicking on the vhpa or vhcma at the beginning of the web page. Mark Ain't seen Charlie in a while. He lives about 20 minute dive from me. He still does alot of traveling for the army. He's hard to keep up with. I Got copies of the 129th platoon patches. Once I get time to scan them on to the page here. You all take care. Catch you on the next this way. Alex
Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
Hey Bruno, just here thinking about Lt. Shaw, Mr Strothers and yourself, makes me feel strange again. I'm still waiting for the colt to be born, it's overdue by 3 days. Mr Shillito thnking of you also .Have a good day today and better one tomorrow. "426" out.
bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo,Texas writes:
Bernie-Yeah Man . What can I say.It's still in my mind after 27 yrs-I recall it just like if it was today.I still remember going down on the deck & low leveling on the hiway back toward the firebase.I still recall lookin out to the tree line & keeping an eye out for Mr Charlie & then taking a quick peek to the see how the pilots were doing.I feel the wind in my face man.But hey let me get back to the colt..The full moon changes on the 30th of this month.Believe it or not the gravitaional pull of the moon will have an effect on the birth of the get ready partner cause it's comin'It'll be probably at nite.I'm just guessing but it feels like a male HOSS.Hope he's a good one. LATER MAN.I'M OOTA HERE.E'NUFF SAID.
Anonymous from USA writes:
I was talking with a friend one day & remaining angry & confused about why we did not "win" in Vietnam & he gently reminded me that we may have been only fighting a delaying action & for me to look at all that has happened in these years since we left there, & yet it seems there is always something more to do & we must stand ready & be behind our people! As the Apache Gunships are poised & ready to be used in Kosovo The words of Major John McCrae written in a cemetary in Ypres, Belgium in 1915 seem a most appropriate tribute & prayer for Lt. Shaw & Mr. Strother.
Major John McCrea
1915 (borrowed by a
former proud member
of the 129th AHC 71-72
Gently Judith ( from writes:
It's a difficult day for many of us: we find ourselves sad, yet grateful. My heart is with those of you who survived the crash of the 426, and the others connected to the incident in some way. Please, be strong-be guilt free-and live life to the fullest, for you are wonderful, worthy survivors! Thank you for giving me this day of remembrance(Dear Tom...), a day that for 27 years, was just another day. Go to heaven, all of you. Gently, Judith
Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
To Judith and anonymous, thank you for remembering the the crew of "426". I especially liked Flanders Field, well put. Yea know I will never forget Lt. Shaw and Mr Strothers. I had many a beer yesterday, just thinking about that day. "426" out.
Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
Bruno, good morning, I'm thinkin your might be right on the birth of the colt. This one should be a runner when its time. I was going to call you last night but i decided against it.Hay watch the Kentucky Derby this saturday. Later on "426" out again.
Bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo, Texas writes:
Bernie,good morning partner.That headache you might have this mornning is already paid t Lt Shaw & Mr Strothers & the 2 ROK'S.I'm stll full of over the counter stuff & some antiibiotics so I didnt pop a cork. They probably would have been mad at you for not having one or two or three or four or etc.but not too many damn it. Cause the alcohol can be a good friend.In my mind I can see you right now wiith you r busted leg & your eye man.Lt Shaw & Mrr Strother did pick up carry the torch fthat was passed on from that ole boy in Flanders & they carried it proudly.thanks to all of you out there for remembering Lt Shaw & Mr Stothers.I tought that it would be only Bernie,Mr Stother's family,Lt Shaw's family & myself. But hell there a whole passel of you out there & I want to thank you .thank you who ever you for writng Flanders because you remembered them-Lt Shaw & Mr Strother.E'NUFF SAID.I'M OTTA.
Bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo,Texas writes:
Bernie sorry on the P.S. I'm gettin' emotinal over here.I pressed the wrong damn key.
Just wanted to say to keep an eyeball on the mare.It'll probably happen on the 30th.Later Man
Bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo, Texas writes:
Bernie ,Judy,Mark ,Bill & the rest of the gang:
Just a remainder that memorial day is next month.Being prior service you all know that this is "the day " to rememeber all our fallen brothers who carried the torch.I know it's an emotional function because we all know of at least one person of buddy we lost & didnt get to make it back.So if'in y'all can make it to one of your local veterans day activities.LATER I'M OTTA HERE.
Bruno E Sanchez ( ) from Laredo,Texas writes:
Arthur Campbell-Arthur I was thumbin' thru the yearbook & i finaly found your picture( your name isnt on it Or something).SURE I REMEMBER YOU.I'm directly across you on the same page man.It says try it you'll like it.Take care & do good in school.LATER
Barry Swanson ( from Riverside, CA writes:
To Bruno Sanchez,
Was reading your story about the "Mexican Peanuts" I had to laugh, Bidozaka if he is the same person I knew and with a name like that, had to be, went by "Pollack". His first name was Walter. He was a C/E when I got to the 129th in June of '72. I flew as his gunner on "910" up until he left country around September He was a good guy and it's good to hear his name mentioned. Of course reading the entries often enough you read about alot of different names.
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
Evenin' Flight............have been abreast of the commo in here today and yesterday, and I wanted to say something but could not muster up the courage. Guess it is a lil' of Larry bleeding over on me. To think of others that did'nt make it back, makes me think of him. But Hell...thats good for me, and all of us..RIGHT??????........I stared long at the pix of "426" yesterday and today, such a bitter sweet story. To know that Judith knew Tom, who did not come back, and then to read words from Bernie and Bruno, who did make it back. You can go from Tears, to happiness, to tears in a heart beat.
Bruno!!!!....Click,click about Memorial Day. The 6 and I will be in DC with "ROLLING THUNDER" that weekend. Gonna put the crew of the "257" back together again all on one piece of paper. Ya know that they make the shape of a diamond on the WALL, all in just 3 lines. I had an Idea about something else tho as I was thinkin' about the WALL. Would any of you like an etching of Shaw and Strothers names while I am there>????? would be my honor to collect them for you and get then to you. Take a head count and see who wants one and I will make it a mision of mine while in Capital City. OK??? all take, I have been blessed to have come to know you all. I thank you for your friendships....................
.....................................Mark....a brother,of a brother, related to the cost of FREEDOM.
Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
Hello again Mark, been awhile since we had commo. Yes, I would like an etching of Lt. Shaw and Mr Strothers please. So, hows things coming on the new 129th page?, and hows things going for you and familt? I'll give you a call on the land line sometime soon. Later on Brother. "426" out.
Bernie Hernandez from Ogden, Utah writes:
Barry, Walter Bidozaka did this same person come from the 61st just over the hill from the 129th? If'n he is I know that crazy Pollock, he was a hoot, very likeable man. "426" out.
Bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo, Texas writes:
Bernie good morning.I dont know if i told you that I used to be the "Vet Rep" in the local office.I became friends with the counselor @ the VET CENTER,His name is Homer Gallegos, he's also nam vet.He does a lot of Readjustment counseling for viet nam vet .I told him about how we got in contact after 27 yrs.Hiis jaw almost fell to the floor.
Barry - Glad to hear that you liked reading that incident .That's a trrue story. Bidozaka had a snoot full that nite & was feeling But man he would let me go back to sleep-somehow I had to get rid of him. I diidnt mean to intentionally give him any peppers.I was just try to make like i was listening to him & eat something at the same time. He was a good guy. I still hope he's still around somewhere waking up some one but not me.YUK YUK
MARK-TEN TWO DOUBLE PLUS & WALL TO WALL TREE TOP TALL ON THE ETCHINGS.I've had the oportunity to go to the wall on about two differrent ocasions-but in all honesty & sincereity I just dont have the courage to do it.It would be too much for me.I admire all the people who have lost loved ones or the Viet-Nam vets who have had the courage to make it to the wall because I just dont have the courage.I dont know quite honestly how Judith found the guts to go & see Tom Shaw's resting Place & go see his parents.But If'n you could do that It would be great.the office manager was a grunt with the Big Red One-I tease him & tell it was the "Little" red one..He also has had oportunities to go to the wall-But has not been able.I really haven't ask But that is just something personnal that each of us has to do on our own.Let me get going.Mark have a good & safe trip.E'NUFF SAID.LATER
Barry Swanson ( from Riverside, CA writes:
Bernie, I'm not sure if he came over from the 61st, he was from Wisconsin and hung with a friend of his named Larry?
Bruno, he still is around and living in Wisconsin I have yet to talk to him but Festus has and said he is OK. The one thing that I remember of Pollock is when we finished up on the flight line with post flights we would head up for chow but I never saw him in the mess hall, he always went to the NCO Club. I guess thats why I found myself running in the dark to the closest john. But we don't want to go there, I'd have to say he was my mentor. We were all "FNG"'s at one time, I had armament training and the Snake Platoon didn't have openings, so they gave me an option "Door Gunner", my first flight was with Pollock and Festus as the AC, we flew as a team until Pollock left. I would say he spent many nights in the NCO club knocking em down. Good Night Guy's.
Bruno E Sanchez ( from Laredo, Texas writes:
Bernie -GOOD MORNING! It's Frrday.It's my turn to have a few barley pops. just checking in.Has the colt arrived Yet? Let me know dude?
Barry thanks for the info on Walter.I'm glad Man you say Walter .DEROS Sept '72 huh. That when I was released from the hosptial. I'm going to vacate the permises.But I'll be checking the the web in & out.Later dudes. I'M OTTA HERE.
Jim Westwang ( from Sheridan,Wyoming writes:
Bernie, My wife & I will definitely be there May 5th & I have reservations at a place not far from where you live. If you would be so kind as to not plan anything for dinner, it would be my delight & Honor to take you & your family out to Dinner. Please! I want to do this! I'm sure you know where there are some good places & so I'll trust to you to pick one. I'll give you a call as soon as I get in!
Friend & comrade,
Mark Jackson ( from LZ HOME writes:
Evenin' Gang.........SUBJECT;;...ETCHINGS....tell ya what I will do....I will make about 10 of them and then when my wife and I get back from DC I wil alert you that they are avaiable.....copy that?.........Bernie and Bruno......yours be the first I get..and all ready have what you need to approach the WALL...........courage is not gave your courage all ready 27 years takes love man...and I have only known you for a short, and only by type...but I KNOW THAT YOU HAVE'll make it to the WALL some day man..I know ya will....there is some guys there that want to talk to you..or at least, they just wanna hear you voice again........the new 129th apge is hoverin' slow..but work is being done on it...I will let ya all know when it is up..........
BTW......I have kept a roster of Names and E-mail addreses of all you personal of the 129th that has come in here....up to date..I have 74 names.....( gentle Judith!, that includes you babe, you are as much of this as any)..........
Busy here with wedding plans goin' down next weekend for our 2nd daughter.... Saturday...BIG,BIG party...I will hoist one up for the 129th...thats a promise.........
you guys take care....and hug somebody today;-).....
...........The pleasure is all mine to be here.......